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"We're moving to LA."

Ella's P.O.V.

I can't wait for summer break. Summer is only three days away and it's taunting me.

Hello, my name is Ella. I live in the small town of Langley, Washington, where the population is approximately 1,100. I've lived here for about 13 years, which is impressive considering I'm only 17. We moved here from Ocala, Florida when I was about 4 and we stayed.

I love taking aesthetic pictures and listening to music. Pretty basic, I know. My favorite food is pizza and I have two cats. I have two brothers who love annoying me and my best friend's name is Anastasia or Ana for short.

But that's my life summed up pretty well. I'm a very boring person who enjoys doing very boring things. I wouldn't have it any other way though.

I finished typing my biography for my creative writing class. I have no clue why Mrs. Jones decided to make us wait until the end of the semester to write our biographies, but it's whatever.

The bell rang, signaling the school day was over and the weekend has arrived. I packed my things and walked to my locker to meet up with Ana.

"Hey best friend," she said, greeting me at my locker. She was in a good mood, which is weird because she usually hates school.

"Hey Ana, why are you in such a good mood?" I asked. I don't like beating around the bush; if I have a question to ask I'm going to ask it.

"Oh, you know, it's nothing. Just the fact that summer is only THREE DAYS AWAY!" She yelled. She was just as anxious for school to be out as I was.

"I know! I can't wait to party it up with you all summer!" I replied. We both liked to go to parties and do illegal things like that. But we're good kids.

"Me too! I'm so ready for school to be over, it's killing me," she said, draping her hand over her forehead, acting as if she was really dying.

"You're so overdramatic, I love it," I said, shutting my locker. We both laughed as we walked outside to be greeted by the warm sunlight shining down.

Although winter is my favorite season, I have to admit that Langley in May was absolutely gorgeous. All of the trees are green, the sun shines down, the weather is nice, everything is perfect.

"What are you gonna do this weekend?" Ana asked me. There weren't any parties planned yet because everyone is cramming for finals, so I didn't have any plans.

"Nothing that I'm aware of. What about you?"

"Probably just study for finals next week," she responded. We both got in my car and she started ranting to me about her stupid ex-boyfriend. I'll spare you the details because they aren't that interesting.

When we arrived at Ana's house, we said our goodbyes and she went inside. I pulled out of her driveway and drove home.

When I got home, my parents were home and there was a white truck parked on the curb. I pulled into the driveway and grabbed my stuff. Right as I was getting out, a man closed the front door and got into the white truck.

I walked inside and saw a lot of boxes lined up along the wall in the hallway. They were flat like they hadn't even been put together before, so I knew something was up.

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