Part - 29

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You all guessed the person correct. It was Nyeonika... And before starting let me wish u all a very Happieeeee New Year... May all ur wishes come true and everyone get success in whatever they are doing... Let's hope 2018 will be the most successful,  Happy and memorable year for all of us...

Nyeonika(shouted): What the hell is happening over here??!! 

Fab 5 were shocked to see their pyaari pyaari aunty this much angry on MaNan.. Navya was like "Matarani, save Nandu from this issue" prayer mode... MaNan shut their eyes tightly and muttered "dead now"...

Manik who was holding Nandani's shoulders took away his hand and put his hands around her neck and started moving ahead crossing all his friends speaking with Nandani as if they were long lost friends... Nandani is not any less... Suddenly she also was smiling very happily at Manik as if they were not fighting a while ago..

Manik(very much friendly): Sooooooo, hello Nandani

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Manik(very much friendly): Sooooooo, hello Nandani.. U r fresher here right?!! Which department??!! Classical or Western Music?!!

Nandani(faking excitement): Hello Senior... I love Western Music but I'm here to learn Classical music...

Manik: Ohh.. That's wow.. Nowadays who takes classical!! That's really good... I love classical music u know... Which instrument u like to play?!!

Nandani: oh Mons..(Manik glares) Sry Manik... Veena.. I would love to play Veena...

Manik: Ohh... It's in topmost rack of our Space Music library... I think u would need help to take it...

Nandani: u r there na.. Won't u help me??!! (showing puppy eyes)

Manik: Of course... For what else, I'm coming for clg... To Help people like u only na... (sarcasm dripping from every letter he spoke) Come let me show u The Great SPACE Music Library which our trustee personally built for the welfare of students...

MaNan were now Crossing Nyeonika who was watching their drama of being over friendly....

Nandani: Ohhh that's sooooo sweeeet of her... She's such a sweetheart..

Manik:Tell me about it

Cabir(whispered to Navya): when did these two became this close??!!

Navya putting her elbow on Cabir's shoulder (lost in MaNan's behavior): That's what even I'm also thinking... May Matarani save Nandu from this problem...

Cabir(almost leaning over Navya) : Manik ko bhi...

Cavya who is lost in MaNan didn't realize how close they are...

Nyeonika: Stop where u are... Right NOW!!

MaNan stopped on their track and turn around and put their faces down not looking at Nyo...

Manik(whispered to Nandani): It didn't workout it seems..

Nandani nods her head sadly...

Manik(murmuring): u try what you are Gud at na!!

A Little Forever Of MaNanWhere stories live. Discover now