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Pommelines POV//

Fox has decided to stay home and prepare dinner well I went to go pick up Pom, as I stood outside the school, waiting for the bell to ring to let the students out, I couldn't help but drift off a little in my head.
My thoughts swarmed around what Pom might possibly say when me and Fox asked her about a sibling. The possibility of her saying yes would be quite high though, considering how much of a social butterfly she can be, I'm sure she would pounce at the idea of having a new friend that she could play with all the time and take care of, not to mention she absolutely loves babies.
I sigh softy to myself and shake my head, I used to think I'd feel ecstatic at the possibility of me and Fox welcoming a new baby, but now I'm not so sure.
I stared blankly at the entrance of the school for a few minutes, my thoughts blurring together into one big mesh. I'm quickly pushed back into reality when my thoughts are pierced by the school bell, indicating that the school day was officially over. The school doors open a few moments later, and the parking lot is flooded with students, all walking in different directions.
My eyes follow some of the students "their lives are so simple now," I thought to myself "they have no idea what milestones come after graduation." My eyes drift around the many students for a few minutes as I try to spit Pom. I highly doubted she would be among the older students, I had a strong feeling that along with the other kindergarteners, she would be kept inside for a few extra minutes until the parking lot cleared out. And my theory was correct.
Several minutes after the first bell, a second bell rung, and with that, the school doors opened again, and several smaller and much younger students filtered into the parking lot, looking for their gardiens.
I searched among the small faces for Pom, I quickly spotted her running in my direction, a big grin plastered across her face and Pickles clutched tightly in her arms.
"Mommy!!" She squealed and she leaped up into my arms, I cuddled her close to me and spun in a circle. "Well, hello PomPom! Did you have an amazing day at school?" I asked as I positioned myself so I could hold her with one hand and open the car door with my other hand. "Yes yes yes!!!" She happily answered as I set her in her car seat and buckled her in.
"I thought so," I answered, standing up and closing the car door. I opened my car door and slid into the car, I could already hear Pom rambling on in her broken word sentences about what she had done that day. I smiled to myself and sighed happily, it really would be nice to have another child like Pom.

The car ride home consisted of Pom telling me all about her new friend, Dotty. And how they coloured together and played hide and seek, as she rambled on about her activities, my smile slowly faded. A realization was setting in that I hadn't yet been open to, it was the realization that Pom really was growing up fast. Fox had experienced it this morning, now I was too. I shook my head and reached behind me, opening my hand for Pom to reach out and hold. I did this often with her, Fox did too. It was one of our ways of showing love for each other.
I smiled and told Pom that me and Fox love her very much, and I say her smile widely from the rear view mirror before she said "I love you mamma!!"
I pulled into the driveway and quickly let me and Pom into the house. We were greeted with a bubbly, giddy Fox. She was rustling about the kitchen, getting everything she would need to prepare dinner.
"Mamma!!" Pom squealed as she dropped her school bag and sprinted over to Fox, Fox quickly dropped to her knees and flung her arms open as Pom launched herself into a bear hug with Fox. Immediately Pom started to try and tell Fox about her day, but Fox quickly cut her off by placing her index finger to her lips. She smiled softly "You can tell mommy all about your day at dinner, and there's a very important question that me and mommy will ask you at dinner too. Now, go wash your face and get your play clothes on, Okay?"
Pom nodded vigorously and dropped out of her embrace with Fox, the pitter patter of her small feet walking down the hall growing distant as she disappeared into her room.
Fox nodded at me and gave me a nervous smile "I'm nervous, Pommy." She said, fiddling with one of the straps to her apron that she had lazily wrapped around her slim figure. I walked over to her and embraced her, running my hands around her lovely curves before I gently held her cheek in my hand, leaning forward and kissing her cheek before whispering softly into her ear "It'll be okay, Fox. Let's just see what she says about all of this." She nodded and kissed my cheek before I let her continue to make dinner as I walked down the hall and into my piano room.
My heart thumped wildly as I tried to swallow the thought of how dinner would play out tonight, I tried playing some songs on the piano to distract me, but it wasn't proving to help. I was about to turn off my piano when I heard the familiar pitter patter of Pom's little feet running down the hall, the footsteps stopped in the doorway to the piano room, and I turned to see Pom skip into the room, Pickles flying around, only not flying away by his small grey arm that she clutched in her little hand. "Hi mamma!" Pom chirped, walking over to the side of my piano and going on her tippy goes to look at all the keys lining the piano "Hi Pompom, did you wash your face like Mommy asked?" She quickly nodded and I smiled, ruffling her hair. "That's good."
I turned back to focus on playing another song, but Pom intervened by tugging on my shirt. "Momma! Can i play??" I looked down at her, prepared to say no, but one look at her big, shining, begging eyes made me reconsider. "Well..... alright. But just this once!" Her eyes lit up and she happily climbed up and into my lap, putting her little hands on top of mine. I chucked and played "Marry had a little lamb" for her, she recognized the tune and giggled. "I like this song!" She happily sais, watching my hands with close attention. I quickly switched to a more slow and delicate song, one I always played when Pom was just a baby to help her sleep, "Moonlight sonata". Pom seemed to recognize the tune, and she hummed some parts of the song as I played. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, I was so happy to have a little girl who loves music.
I played trough a few more classic songs, telling Pom the name of each one, and trying not to laugh my ass of when she tried to repeat the name. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when she tried to pronounce Gymnopédie. I swear she is the most precious child sometimes.
Our music session was cut short however, by Fox's voice ringing through the hall, calling us to come to the table for dinner. Pom quickly hopped off of my lap and bolted down the hallway and into the kitchen, I stood up and swallowed the lump of nervousness that was growing in my throat.
Pom's answer to our question would determine wether or not we would even consider another child, or at the minimum, it would greatly dwindle the chances if she said no. I tried shaking these thoughts out of my head as I sat down at the table, but they wouldn't go away.
Pom was persistent about finding out our question, begging Fox to tell her as she brought the plates to the table. But Fox stayed strong and kept her mouth shut, saying she would ask her after she told her about her day at school. That's what I most admire about Fox, her strong will is incredible. Among many other things that I love about her, her strong willingness is definitely one of them.
My attention was snatched by something, a sent. A good sent. It was the sent of dinner. I quickly looked down at my plate and my mouth started to water. Fox had made one of me and Pom's favourite dinners, pasta with meatballs. I felt my smile come back as I remembered our first date, and how I had told Fox (because I am Italian and grew up eating pasta) that pasta was one of my favourite foods, and she never forgot that. Hell, it was the main cours that was served at our wedding. I glanced up and Fox and smiled widely, she giggled at my excitement over pasta.
Fox sat down across from me, Pom sat to her left and was already digging into the pasta. I chuckled. "So Pom, wanna tell Mommy about your day?" Pom quickly nodded and took another bite of her spaghetti, before she selves into detail about her day at school. Fox listened closely, occasionally taking a bite of spaghetti. I had already heard these details from the car, so I placed my head in the palm of my hand and drifted off a little, still trying to push my nerves away about the question we would inevitably ask Pom.
It only took about ten minutes for Pom to tell Fox everything, soon the table fell silent after she finished her story. Fox coughed nervously and looked at me, her eyes showed fear, I'm sure mine did too as I looked back at her. Pom rapped Fox's shoulder and questioned her about what she was going to ask her, Fox went pale and looked at me, her eyes pleading for help. I gulped and decided to start off the question.
"So um.. Pom, do you like babies?"
She looked at me and nodded, her eyes showing confusion about my question. I continued.
"Well.. have you ever thought about having a baby in this house? As in... like a little brother or sister?"
Pom didn't seem to understand at first, but once I mentioned brother and sister, her eyes filled with excitement and I could see she was getting very hyped from my question, I was about to go in for the question but Fox jumped in and did it for me.
"What Pommy is trying to say, Fox, Is... do you want a little brother or sister?"
Pom stared at me and Fox for a moment, registering what we had just asked her. A few moments later, a squeal radiated from her, and she quickly screamed "YES!!" Nodding vigorously. Fox smiled and glanced at me, I met her gaze with a smile just as wide. I felt my eyes starting to water and I quickly stood up, walking over to Fox and Pom and hugging them both. Fox looked at me like she wanted to cry, i already was. We embraced each other for a few minutes well Pom continued to scream "YES!!" Well she jumped around, yelling about how excited she was for a baby sister or brother.
The rest of dinner was a bit of a blur, all I could remember was that I couldn't stop smiling. Neither could Fox. Now, the both of us lay in bed, still smiling. "We should start looking into the details about this on the weekend." I said, rolling over to turn off the lamp that sat atop my bedside table. "Let's not worry about that stuff for now," Fox said "for now, let's just enjoy that Pom actually said yes." I opened my mouth to reply but quickly shut myself up. I knew I shouldn't push the subject just yet, especially considering I still wasn't completely sure about who was actually going to carry the baby.
I nodded and crawled under the covers, letting my head fall against the pillow and for my body to relax, Fox quietly cuddled up next to me, resting her head next to mine. I listened to her soft, delicate breathing for a while, before I soon fell deep into the realm of unconsciousness.

//oof over 2000 words :0

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