Chapter 10

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On Somedays I feel as if I dont even wanna get up out of the bed. Something bad was always bound to happen on days I felt like this. I know it just had to be me cuz Tyra had gotten over her little deleima as usual.Took her awhile but eventually she got through it. It wasn't Jermaine cuz we've been doing good ever since I got him to stop talking about the baby. Could it be me.

I sat up in the bed and looked around for a minute. I realized that today was Friday and I didn't have any appointments today. It was going on 8 o'clock and the doorbell was rining off the hook

I got up and ran to the door. Tyra was sitting on the couch eating some frosted flakes watching Arthur on video. I opened the door and let Jermaine in.

" Morning baby" He kissed me on the lips and hung up his coat.

"Hey Tyra" He said waving to her. She looked up from her cereal and patted a seat next to her

"Wanna watch Arthur with me till B gets dressed"

"Umm..Is it alright baby"

" Its more than alright" I ran back into my room and took a shower. I threw on a sweatsuit and some footies and walked back out moments later. The show was over and they were watching Finding Nemo on her spongebob dvd player." Bonding I see" I laughed and sat down in Jermaine's lap sideways.

"Actually Tyra was telling me some things about you that I never knew"

My eyes grew big. What could she know about me. I raised one eyebrow at her " Oh really, like what"

" Like the fact that you suck in cards. And that when your alone you talk to yourself. Or sometimes you sleep with a teddy bear and your thumb in your mouth" He laughed

I picked up a pillow and hit him in the face. "Thats not funny J" I laughed. HE held me down on his lap as I tried to get up.

" Nah you not going no where. You gone get yours" He handed Tyra a pillow and she started beating me with me. I almost fell over from laughing so hard and trying to block her hits.

" Ty I thought you was on my side" I laughed as I ducked her pillow

"That was before this babe" Finally she stopped and gave up. She took her bowl to the kitchen and went into her room and closed the door. I knew she was about to go straight to bed after all of that. I caught my breath and got off of J's lap and sat next to him. He looked over at me and he had some look in his eye that made me just wanna hug him. Something was wrong

"Whats wrong. Why are you looking at me like that" I ran my hands over his freshly done braids I did

"We should talk" Oh boy here it comes. I hated when he said that. Jermaine played for the Indianna Pacers. It wasn't that far from Chicago but still. Im sure whatever he had to say was about him leaving me. Again. I stood up and let him to the door that led to my patio outside of my apartment. It was mid July and the air was a little breezy but still warm enough to be outside without a jacket on. I sat down on the white plastic chair and Jermaine kneeled in front of me

" How long this time"

" Just for two weeks baby"

"Where" I said looking off over the balcony

" Washington and then Detroit."

"You say it like its nothing Jermaine"

"Its not. Now Im sorry baby but thats-" I stopped him

"Thats the way it is" I finished off for him. I knew the whole story but he even told it. Im not so sure why I chose an athletes but hey. I love him

He took my hand in his and smile " Im so sorry baby"

He pressed his lips to mine and I smiled a little. I couldn't be mad at him not one bit. He was rollin in money but thats not why I was so much in love with him. The way he treated me. The way he goes out of his way just to impress or surprise me.

"Its not your fault. Not really anyway" I said as I started to stand up. He gently pushed me back down

"But actually there was something else I wanted to say" The look in his eye changed from sad that he had to go, to something id never seen before

"Alright. Im listening"

" I don't think I can go back on the road knowing that your not officially mine. I want you to be right there by myside forever. I love you girl." He dropped to one knee and I froze. This wasn't happening

" Jermaine I-" I stuttered

" What im tryna say is, Beyonce Knowles will you marry me" he pulled out a ring box and opened it

I stood up from the chair and started pacing back and forth. I didn't know what to say. This was all so sudden

" Jermaine" I cried out " I dont know what to say"

" Just say yes"

I leaned over the balcony and got my words together. I turned to him with tears in my eyes " No"

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