chapter 9

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I woke up just before lunch time. I slept for 3 hours.  My body cant move i feel so heavy . Getting up seems impossible at this state.

"Perrie, come on its almost lunch time." Mother screams fr9m down stairs. I struggle to get up but i finally do . I stumble my way down stairs. Mom had made burgers but i only eat half a burger . "Perrie you cant stay like this you have to eat. " my brother tells me but i ignore him.

I dont have the appetite to eat and i wont force my self. The door knocks and mother goes and open the door i think she is expecting one of her friends to come. To my surprise mother tells me to come the person waiting at the door is for me. Who could it be? An old friend ? A fan? One of the girls ? No absolutely not its was Zayn . I froze in front of the door when i saw him . I let  him in and dragged him to my room. "What in the world are you doing here?" I scolded at him . "I am having a concert here and i thought i  would stop by to see you." His beautiful lips moved to tell me and i am more than happy just to know Zayn remembered where i live . "Okay then when is the concert." I ask with a big smile planted on my face . "Its near by at the O2 arena" he said and my mind drifts back . Zayn performed there once with the boys i wonder if he remembers. "Okay well are you coming back here." I say with a small smile on my face what kind of question is that? "Yeah i was planing to gigi has work in france so she ain't here and i have nothing after 10 o'clock. " he says popping up his sharming smile .

He leaves after a few minutes and i keep looking at my watch every five minutes. I spend the rest of the day playing vedio games with jonnie and though i keep losing im just happy that he is winning . I love him so much and i just love how he is always there for me no matter what even if he is far away.

At last, ten o'clock was there and he was on time  the door knocked and i rushed to open . "You came" i said hugging him and let him in .  For me , my night just started.

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