Mirror Mirror

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His name was Narcissus. Named after the handsome Greek God himself. His eyes were sapphire pools of passion, and his hair was as golden as the hay Rumpelstilskin spun. At least, that's what Charlize wrote in her diary that day.

Charlize peered through the open window where she resided. It saddened her how little Narcissus noticed her. He has been spotted on numerous accounts looking through Charlize's window. She was unsure why he did it so often. He must be obsessed with her or the one of a kind window pane she carved herself.

After a few hair flips and eyebrow licks, Narcissus walked away. Every day he did it, Charlize would take note in her diary.

Charlize suffered from a severe bodily hindrance. She was never to leave where she resided by any means. She concluded that she must be allergic to the air or water or something that was inevitable to run from if one was to step foot outside. She didn't want to worry any of her family members by disobeying the rules and potentially putting herself at risk in the dangerous outside world.

Living this way for as long as she could remember, Charlize grew depressed. She craved what any seventeen year old girl craved. She wanted to party, she wanted to make friends, she wanted to go to school and learn.

Being as though her parents were somewhat well off, time and time again they would allow Charlize to vacation at their second home in Athens. Of course, plenty of caution was taken while she was in transport.

She visited a time before in August. That's when she first set eyes on Narcissus. He was about the same height as her, same build, same cobalt eyes and beautiful blonde hair. A man made so similar in appearance must have been made for her, or so she thought.

After applying the finishing touches to her look, she walked over to her window. She had to make sure he was there when she made her move. Charlize was sure she wouldn't let anything make her back out of at least saying hi to him.

There he was using his reflection in Charlize's window to groom himself as he did every other day...

August 14, 2220
Narcissistic Teenage Rich Girl Found Dead in Her Athens Home
Cause of Death: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Charlize couldn't understand what otherworldly force kept her from speaking to him...

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