Chapter 3

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I wake up at my house, surprisingly, and I see my brother Damon at the edge of the bed, sleeping.
"Damon, get up," I say as I throw my pillow at his face.
He jumps when he wakes up and falls of the edge onto the ground.
I burst out laughing.
He gets up and is about to throw it back when my mum walks in holding a tray of food.
"Damon, we talked about this, no hitting your sister."
"But Mu-" he starts.
My mum looks at him and says, " no buts"
She walks past him and puts the tray carefully on my lap.
"How are you feeling honey?"
"I'm feeling better," I answered.
She starts walking towards the door and tells my brother to not hit me. He just looks at her and I can tell that he's going to do something the second she leaves.
When she leaves I gobble the entire plate in less than 5 minutes despite the constant interruptions. My brother was rummaging through my belongings so I spent half the time stopping him. He picks up a picture of me as a child with my friends. I get off the bed and put the tray on my nightstand. I walk towards him and I try to grab it but, annoyingly, he's almost a foot taller than me so I just look pathetic trying to reach for it.
I eventually give up and he throws it back on the shelf.
I crawl back into bed, realizing that getting up was a horrible idea, considering the fact that my leg was terribly injured.
Luckily it was a Saturday so I didn't have to worry about this Tyler kid.
Or was his name Jeremy? Yeah, it was Jeremy.
I repeat his name in my head to see if it can trigger any memories of him.
Jeremy Walker... Jeremy Walker... Jeremy Walker... Jeremy Wal-
My heart collapses as I realize where I know Jeremy from.

He's the one who got my brother killed.

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