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Yᴜᴍɪ's POV

I've been worried sick about my friend, (M/N), everyday I see him with bags under his eyes and it doesn't seem like he's getting any sleep at all. I asked him about it but he would just shrug it off, give me a quick smile, then change the subject to something else. I sighed as I sat on my bed thinking what to do to help him. "Yumi is there something bothering you?" Paris asked as he sat on my bedside table, looking at me in his small puppet form. "Umm.. Well its my friend.. (M/N)" I answered as I looked at Paris. "Oh, the boy who comes every once in a while?" Paris asked as he tilted his head "Yeah! I'm.. I'm worried about him." I responded and then I told Paris about my thoughts that he doesn't seem like he isn't getting any rest and something is bothering him.

Then suddenly an idea struck me as I finished telling Paris about my thoughts on how (M/N) is doing, "Well, he's a nice boy and I'm sure-" "Can you stay with him for a night? Tonight?" I cut Paris off as I looked at him, "That was rude and why would I?" Paris questioned as he looked at me. "Well then, maybe you could find whats bothering him and then I can help him!" I exclaimed as my eyes blew up with joy and happiness, I can finally help (M/N)! "Yumi, no." Paris simply answered as he stood up and fell on the ground, safely. "Why not?!" I whined. I really want to help (M/N)! "He isn't in any sort of trouble that involves us and my stupid creator." Paris sighed and walked around circles in my room, "Please Paris! Just once!" I begged as I stared at him as he stopped walking around in circles and stared into my eyes.




"Fine.." Paris closed his eyes and sighed. I cheered and hugged Paris, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I screamed as I hugged Paris tightly, "Yumi! Its (M/N)!" I heard Nora knock on the door. I quicky stood up and shout, "A-Alright I'll be there in a couple of minutes!" I responded through the door, "Alright." I heard Nora respond back and walk away from my door. I picked up Paris and opened the door, walking to the living room. I saw (M/N) sitting on the couch staring at the floor, bags under his (E/C) eyes. I gulped, I hope my plan works. I walked towards (M/N) with a cheerful smile, "Hi (M/N!)" I exclaimed with joy, "Oh hey Yumi! How are you?" He asked, "Good!" I answered, "So um.. Since you seem like you aren't getting any sleep.. I'm giving this to you for tonight!" I beamed as I handed over Paris to (M/N). "Yumi.. I really don't-" "I'm not taking no for an answer~!" I cut him off as I grinned at him. We stared at each other for a few minutes until he sighed, "Alright then but just for tonight, kay?"



ᴏᴜʀ POV

Me and Yumi talked and played with each other, I felt really bad for not telling her about my nightmares. I guess I don't want her to worry that much about me, she's the only one I'm comfortable being around with. I looked at the clock and saw that it was getting late, "I should go Yumi, I don't want to walk home at midnight.." I said to Yumi and she nodded, "Take Paris with you!" Yumi exclaimed as I was putting on my coat, "Alright.. alright." I sighed, I picked up the puppet that Yumi named 'Paris.'

The puppet looked great and unique, it also looked like it was staring back at me as I stared at him. I shook my head. Those nightmares are getting to me.

I opened the door, "Tell Nora I said bye." I yelled to Yumi and I heard an 'okay' as I walked outside. I held the puppet as I walked down the street, I shook my head as I didn't sleep last night. Every night I would get horrible nightmares and I couldn't sleep. Actually, I don't want to sleep since my nightmares get more terrible then the last one, I'm pretty sure Yumi has noticed I haven't been getting sleep since she's giving me her puppet. These past few days I feel like the nightmares are becoming real since I've have nightmares where monsters attack me and when I wake up.. The places where they hit me have bruises or scratches.

I snapped out of my thought as soon as I arrived to my baby blue house and unlocked the door and went inside, locking the door when I got inside. I live alone, my sister lives somewhere far away near her dream college she always wanted to go to it since we were little kids. My sister told she that when she's done with college, she'll move in next to me or somewhere near me. I slowly walked upstairs to my room as my footsteps echoed through the house. Sometimes it sucks to live alone.

I opened my door and quicky jumped on my dark blue bed with white, soft pillows. I was still holding 'Paris' as I laid on my bed, I lift up Paris to my face and stared at him. For some unknown reason I felt that he was staring back at me with those red eyes and you know the strange part? I felt safe. Suddenly my eye lids felt heavy as I had no control of them as they fell over my (E/C) eyes. I hugged the puppet as my (H/C) hair laid softy on my comfortable bed, suddenly I felt something touch my feet. It felt gooey and slimey. I quicky opened my eyes and looked down and saw a gooey slime monster thing. I screamed and sat up and looked at the gooey monster, then the next thing I couldn't believe! The puppet, Paris, turned into a human or something!

My eyes widen as I trembled in fear, there was a lump inside my throat. "Ah.. Well you do seem to involve my stupid creator's mess.." The now human Paris said as he looked at me then the gooey slime monster. Then after he said that, two gooey slime ladies appeared behind the gooey slime monster, the human Paris eyes widen and mine too, Paris eyes soon turned back to normal as one of the gooey slime ladies jumped at him and attacked. Paris dodged and grabbed me in the process. Paris grabbed my pink scissors from my desk and quicky stabbed the gooey slime lady in the heart then she exploded. "Wh-what?!" I yelped as the slime lady exploded in front of me, "Have you bought anything?" Paris asked me as he stared intensely at the two monsters. "N-no why?" I asked with fear in my voice. "Has anyone given you something? Then after that person gave you it, did these start appearing?" Paris asked me once more, ignoring my question. "They use to be just nightmares, but recently they've been more real!" I screamed. "I'm NOT asking that. Did anyone gave you something them after these start appearing?" Paris said as he grabbed the other slime lady and stabbed her, causing her to explode.

"MY SISTER JUST GAVE ME A DREAM CATCHER THEN THESE STARTED TO HAPPEN!" I screamed. Paris immediately looked at the dream catcher on my ceiling, as he did, so as the big slime monster. It went up my bed and covered it with its body. Paris grunted as he held the scissors very tightly, he then broke the scissors in half as the puppet now had two weapons. I gasped as Paris dashed towards the monster and began to try and stab it, but it wasn't hurting the monster since it was so thick. Paris growled and jumped backwards, landing on his knees. "AH!" I yelled out as the slime monster dragged me towards it, Paris eyes widen as he looked at me then stood up, dropping the scissors. What is he doing?! Paris walked towards the slime monster and punched it, letting his fist into the monster's body. His hand soon came out with my dream catcher, He then smashed it and the monster disappeared in the air, like it wasn't there. I looked puzzled, confused and scared. "I almost forgot you're a nightmare aha!" Paris chuckled, "H..Huh?" I muttered with confusion.

Paris turned to me and walked towards me, he placed a hand on my cheek and stared down at me..


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