Chapter 26

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"I called to tell you, I know where Buddy is!" She said.

I gasped. "Buddy?! M-my dog?"

"Ne! The other day, Zico came and was telling the other members how he dognapped it," She responded. The boys' mouths opened in shock.

"S-Sulli, where is he?"

"In that eerie forest at the park, go and find him. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this before, it took me days to figure out U-Kwon oppa's password, it's actually your name," She informed. Jimin scoffed.

"Did U-Kwon know about this?" I asked her.

"No, Zico told his friends not to tell him."

"Thank you so much, Sulli, thank you," I said in the verge of tears in disappointment and happiness at the same time.

"Sulli, what are you doing with my phone?!" Yelled an angry voice on the other line. U-Kwon.

"Sorry, Unnie, gotta go," She said, and with that, she hung up. I stood there frozen. We found him. And he was dognapped.

"What are we waiting for?! Call the police and we can go find him!" My mom cried. She called the police while the boys texted their parents, I guess to let them know they'll come home late. I sat on the couch and cried. My poor dog, left alone in those woods and there to just starve to death and rot. Wait.. that means he hasn't eaten .. and he's been there for weeks .. is he, still alive?

A pair of arms embraced me.

"Be happy, we know where he is now," Taehyung consoled.

"But what if we find him dead?" I said between sobs.

"Let's hope not," He whispered. The police arrived and with more people, probably for their search party. We explained to them what happened, then we accompanied them to the park.

"Buddy?" I called out, linking arms with Taehyung as we walked through the dark woods with only the flashlight as guidance. Tonight was a new moon, unfortunately. All of a sudden, faint whimpers were heard.

"We found him!" One of the search parties yelled. My heart thumped in happiness. We ran to where the whimper was coming from, and we came across a dog covered in dirt, tied to a tree.

"Buddy!" I yelled, running up to him and hugging him, despite he was covered in dirt. I didn't let go and a warm tear fell down my cheek.

"I missed you, boy. You have no idea," I whispered. He whimpered, sounding like he was crying too.

"We're finally together again.. I'll never let you out of my sight again," I told him, stroking his head that didn't feel as soft as usual.

"Who's responsible for this?" The police asked.

"Woo Jiho," J-Hope responded. The officer wrote down the name.

"That boy is actually responsible for other crimes as well, such as vandalizing an ex-girlfriend's house, robbing a gasoline station, and participating in dog fights," The officer informed. Why am I not surprised.

"Why haven't you guys arrested him then?" Suge asked curiously.

"We can't find him."

"We see him at school like everyday!" V cried.

"What school do you go to?" He asked.

"Seoul Private High School," Rap Mon responded. The officer nodded and wrote more things down.

"You may witness his arrest tomorrow," He announced. BTS filled with joy, even me. He'll finally get his punishment, what he deserves.

"Who's the owner of the dog?" A woman asked.

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