Free & Revenge Driven

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Chapter 1

Bars In Astoria


"Ronnie Radke?" A new guard asked, standing in front of my cell.

"Yeah?" I mumbled, half paying attention as I glanced up from the new song I was working on.

"Today's your lucky day. Are you ready to go home?"

"Fuck yeah I am!" I exclaimed as I hopped up crumpling the paper in the box I had set aside with all my belongings in it.

My mood instantly changing for the better. I completely forgot today was the day I was finally able to go home. I was too caught up in a new song I was working on. I have a feeling this is going to make the fans go wild, if not, it's my favorite song I've written yet.

"I'm just waiting on you, then we can get you out of here shortly."

"Ready." I replied seconds later, slipping my shoes on in a hurry to get the fuck out of here.


"Looks like you're heading home." A friend in the yard said as I walked by. My arms loaded with my belongings and a ton of letters I've collected over the years from fans and a couple friends who stayed by my side through the tuff times.

"Yeah I'm out of this place. Onto bigger and better things. I'll write you, but for now, I have a band waiting for me." I said as I followed the guard to my long awaited freedom. I didn't bother with any small talk with the officer. The only thing on my mind was the exit...freedom.

I took a deep breath as I looked at the gates that were in front of me. What's it going to be like once I'm back in the 'real' world? How am I going to cope with doing normal daily routines?

"What are you waiting for? You don't have to stay here anymore." The guard said, pulling me out of my thoughts, giving me a strange look.

I guess there is only one way to find out. I took that first step outside of the same gates I've been in for over two years. I'm free. People aren't going to be watching my every move anymore. I'll actually be able to have privacy, do what I want, when I an certain extent of course. I never want to go back there, that's for sure.

Today is the start of a new life; a new me. That feels great to say. I took another slow deep breath as I started to walk towards my dads car. I haven't seen him since I first came to this shit hole. A smile spread across my face as I opened the back door and dropped my belongings in the back, then I hopped in the front seat.

"How are you? Happy I assume." My dad said, not bothering to start the car yet, turning to look at me straight on...I'm assuming my appearance.

"That doesn't even cover it. I can't wait to eat some real food! You have no idea how bad some of that shit was."

"I can only imagine." He whispered half to himself before he closed the gap between us and gave me a hug, knocking the wind out of my lungs. "I missed you so was hard not coming and visiting you. I knew you wouldn't like it."

It sounded as if he was holding back tears. I've never seen my dad cry before and I'm not ready to start now, I don't know how I would cope with it. I would probably start crying with him...yeah. Definitely not ready for that. "I got your letters though." I smiled, pulling away. Relief flooding over me when I saw that he showed no sign of tears.

"So umm do you want to stop somewhere to eat before I take you home?" He asked, changing the subject. I'm sure it's just as touchy of a topic for him as it is for me...especially right now.

I felt a sudden wave of nervousness at the thought of going out in public anywhere. 'You can do this Ronnie. It isn't that big a deal. It's just one meal.' I thought to myself. "Uh, do you think we could do a drive thru or something?"

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