Coffee Mug

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Chapter 2

Coffee Mug

As I Lay Dying

"Are you fucking kidding Ronnie! After everything we've been through you're just going to throw what we had away? I fucking waited for you to come home and this is how you repay me!"

"That's the way it has to be, sorry Whitney. I don't see this going anywhere though. You had to of seen this coming." I sighed, standing up so I could pace the parking lot two car spaces and back again only to see Whitney's enraged face.

"Fuck you and your whole damn family. I want nothing to do with you ever again." Whitney yelled, storming across the parking lot to her car.

Well...that didn't go as planned. I wanted this to go as smoothly as possible. Maybe I said something wrong? No. I did what any normal person would have done after finding out she was sleeping with any guy she found attractive every night after she got off the phone with me. You'd think I would be the one who should be pissed off, not the other way around.

One more problem down. I need to get home so I can get ready for bed. It's already two in the morning. I stayed out here longer then I thought...getting cussed at. Oh well. I have to store up my anger for someone more worth my time and she most definitely isn't worth my time.

I got back in my car and made my way home, doing anything I could think of to stop myself from getting back into trouble. If I go there now, I will Mostlikly kill him and whichever whore he has with him tonight...well I won't really kill them. I wouldn't even touch the girl, but I would make sure he ended up in the hospital after I was done and my anger died out.

I gripped my hands in my hair and took calming breaths when I hit a red light. "Get over it Ronnie." I said aloud as I continued down the road. If I just make it home the temptation will subside. It has to! I do not need to be getting into anymore trouble with the law. I have a band to think of.

A smile spread across my face just thinking about the guys. This band feels more at home then my previous one that's for sure! They all seems trust worthy. No backstabbers.

"Home." I sighed as I pulled into the driveway. The only downside. I have no one to talk to. No companions. It would feel even more homelike if there was a pet running around...or maybe even a woman. I can't believe I haven't had sex yet. That is going on my to do list for tomorrow.

I locked the door behind me and made my way to the bathroom for a quick shower. I need to get to bed as soon as possible. People do not want to see me when I've had no sleep.

That's another thing I have to do. Figure out how to take anger management classes. I also need to get ahold of my dad. Shit! I'm slacking. I told him I would talk to him last night.

He'll understand. He always does.

Taking a shower by myself is such a great feeling. I defiantly took that for granted. However, I had to remember to turn the water off when I was done. That's going to take a while to get used to!

I took a deep breath and wrapped a towel around my waist. Yeah. I really need a pet running around, getting underfoot.

I pulled on my boxers and plopped down on my bed. Sleep overtaking me a lot faster then I expected.



I turned over in bed and pulled my extra pillow over my head. Whoever is here needs to fuck off and let me sleep. "Come back at a decent hour!" I grumbled.

"It's one o'clock." Whoever it was, chuckled.

"I don't care. I want to sleep." I replied, already starting to doze off. I went to bed way too late last night.

I snapped when someone yanked the blankets off. "WHAT THE FUCK? GET OUT!"

"Dude. Relax. You have to get up. All the guys are downstairs. You were supposed to meet us two hours ago. When you never showed up, we decided to show up and see what was holding you." Jacky said.

"Sleep." I Grumbled, sitting up in bed and glaring at him.

"You are not one to wake up then." Jacky chuckled. "But since you're wake now, put some clothes on and meet us downstairs.

"Wait. How'd you even get in here? I remember locking the door before I went to bed."

"Your dad was here. He let us in when he was leaving. I think he was wanting to make sure you weren't in any trouble or something."

"Oh...well give me a minute and I'll be down there in a second." I breathed out. Trying to lighten my tone.

Jacky didn't bother saying anything as he left my room, closing the door behind himself.

What in the hell was he thinking trying to wake me up? Shouldn't he know not to wake me from my slumber...well I guess not.

Now he does.

I stumbled over to my dresser, eyes half closed and pulled out pajama bottoms, not bothering with a shirt. I'm not getting dressed for anyone in my own home. I glanced at myself in the mirror and chuckled when I saw my hair. None of it was flat. All of it was sticking up in different, crazy directions.

"So what's up?" I asked, walking by everyone so I could make myself a pot of coffee. It would be better for everyone this way.

"We're supposed to be getting ready for the studio, but you've been impossible to get ahold of the past couple days." Ryan said, walking into the kitchen moments after the coffee started pouring into the pot.

"Sorry about that. I had to take care of something. It couldn't wait." I sighed, turning towards him and away from the delicious smelling coffee. "When we're you guys wanting to do this?" I asked the rest of the guys as they all came walking into the kitchen.

"Tuesday. That's the soonest all of us can get free for the length of time it would take for this to get finished." Derek said, speaking for everyone.

"Uh. Yeah. Tuesday will work for me. I'm going to have to get a few things done before then." talk to my dad, figure out the right pet that I want the most, or suits me the most. Most importantly, getting laid! "I should have plenty of time to get everything I need done." I answered after I took a sip of my hot coffee with a smirk on my face.

I can't wait.


Well here's chapter two. Let me know what you guys think! :)

Whichever one gets the most reads and votes is the one I will continue working on first. (Free & Revenge Driven and You're My Mate? Really!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2012 ⏰

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