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Lucy's pov.

After leaving the apartment, Natsu and I set off to the club on Bud Street.

I didn't really know how comfortable I was doing this, i've never really showed my exposed body to any man, not by choice at least.

As Gray drove us to the street, I found myself thinking about some things. Mostly Natsu. I don't really know him that well, I only met him yesterday, but I feel so close to him already. I've never been close to a man like that before. I've never really talked to a man before and felt like I was able to trust that what I was telling them they would keep to them selves.

It was a good feeling, better than i'm used to at least.

"Hey Lucy- we're here so quick review. Go in there holding this flyer-"

Gray handed me a flyer, it read 'Looking for some sexy mamas ;) Lighting Strike 28 Bud Street.'

"-and ask to see the manager to see if you qualify for the job. See? Easy. Once you see the manager and he shows interest in hiring you, or he doesn't- either way this would be the time you pull the gun on him and call Natsu. Got it?"

"Yes I think i'm good. What about his child though? didn't Erza say that I had to get this guys kid and bring it back to HQ?"

"Oh shit I forgot about that."

"The plan will go the same. Pull the gun on him and call Natsu. Natsu will bring the guy in the back ally behind the club to the car and i'll bring the guy to HQ. Instead of Natsu coming with me he'll go back into the club and help you with the kid. Sound good?"

I simply nodded and winked. Natsu smiled brightly he had such a goofy toothy smile. It was the cutest.

I stepped out of the car, and walked into the club. I saw a couple of familiar faces, they nodded at me and continued doing whatever it was they were doing. Taking down chairs wiping tables- unimportant.

My eyes fixated to the nearest male, I looked up at him and gave him a friendly smile. "Hi sir! I saw this flyer and I wanted to know if the manager is around so that I could interview." I smiled as he continued to look at the flyer.

"He's around. Follow me." I did as he said and followed him into a backstage area. There was another hallway and finally a door.

*Knock Knock*

"Sir you got an audition." A muffled 'Send her in.' could be heard through the door.

I walked in and the other man left down the hall. It was just me and this weird dude now.

"Hi! My names Grace and I'm here for the interview portion." I said interview portion because I'm really not tryna get naked on a pole right now. I'll pull the gun on him before that can happen. I was already uncomfortable going into this anyways.

"Hello Grace. Please have a seat."

I sat down and he looked me up and down. He nodded his head and flutter his eyes.

"Do you have and experience stripping? Or pole dancing- or any type of exotic dance?" He said with a giggle.

"I started pole dancing classes not to long ago, i've been going to classes for a couple of months now." I kept talking and talking to distract him from any strange behavior I might be displaying. And then I took out my phone and set it on the desk. Opening up Natsu's contact so everything will go quicker.

He didn't even notice me pull out my phone. He seem completely enthralled with all the lies I was spilling to him.

I pressed call and pulled out my gun swiftly, pressing it right between his eyebrows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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