Pudgy The Penguin

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     There once was a little penguin. His name was Pudgy. He was like any other penguin, did things that other penguins did. He would catch fish and slide on his belly. But none of the other penguins were nice to him. Why? Because Pudgy happened to be a bit fatter and shorter than all the other penguins. They would tease him and laugh at him, saying things like, "Look at the snowball!" and "Better hide your fish!". This made Pudgy sad. Whenever he tried to join in when the other penguins were playing, they wouldn't let him play with them. When he tried to join the conversation, they all became mutes. Pudgy was even sadder now. Pudgy would cry in shame as all the other penguins had fun. One day, when Pudgy was all by himself, he heard a voice.
"It's s-so c-cold!" The voice said. Pudgy looked at the voice and saw the most beautiful penguin he's ever seen! She was very tall and thinner than the other penguins. Pudgy went over to her and asked,
"Miss, why aren't you with all the other penguins?"
"Because they all tease me and call me names. They won't let me be friends with them." She said, shivering. Pudgy didn't like seeing such a nice penguin all alone and freezing. Then Pudgy had an idea. He went to the tall penguin and hugged her tightly, hoping that it would help her. She hugged back, loving how warm Pudgy was. "Thank you. I think I would have frozen solid if I didn't get warm." Pudgy smiled.
"You're very welcome. Since the other penguins are so mean, we can be friends if you like." He said happily. She smiled.
"I'd like that very much." And so Pudgy and his tall friend lived happily ever after, playing games and eating fish together.

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