Chapter 1

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Madyson ^

You know how in Aladdin, he rubs the magic lamp and I he genie appears? Well, that doesn't happen in this book.

There are no princes, or princesses, or tigers. There is however a girl named Madyson, a boy named Henry , and a cat.

🧞‍♀️ 🧞‍♂️

"This is yours now," my grandfather says as he opens my moms old bedroom. I've been in this room a thousand times, and yet seeing it is like being hit by a truck.

A truck full of all of my moms things from her childhood. I slowly walk further into her room. "I want you to know you can stay as long as possible."

I turn to him, giving him the most genuine smile I can muster. "Thank you." I wrap my arms around him and we stand there while I let stray tears roll down my face.

"I'll let you unpack." He walks out of my room, leaving the door slightly cracked. When I know he's gone I look around the room. Like really look at it. Not just at the furniture scattered around the room, but the memories around me.

The first thing I do is go to the nightstand and grab the first picture I see of my dad. I fold it into my hand before leaving the room, in search of a lighter.

At the kitchen table was a guy, my age, eating a bowl of cereal. He looks up when I come into his line of sight and a couple fruit loops escape his mouth.

"Damn." I scrunch my face up at his comment. "Excuse me?" I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him.

"Did you sneak in here? Cause I'm not interested, no matter how hot you look," he says, putting his spoon down.

I curl my lips inward, partially so I don't start yelling at him partially because I didn't notice my grandma by the door.

"Che diavolo c'è di sbagliato con te," she shouts in Italian. (What the hell is wrong with you!) "Cosa ho fatto questa volta?" (What did I do this time?)

I smile as I awkwardly raise my hand to get there attention. "You flirted with me. Their granddaughter," I tell him.

"Oh shit, Lucille mi dispiace, per favore non dire," he looks up at me, "Your grandfathers a scary old man." (I'm sorry, please don't tell.)

I give him a taunting smile before getting my grandma's attention. "Grandma, dove sono i scissors?" I don't tell her what I want them for. (Where are the)

I don't want to bring up what happened in front of a complete stranger who can know what I'm saying no matter what language I say.

She eyes the boy who grabs them and hands the scissors to me. "I'm Henry by the way."

I will update again soon, or when this book gets 20 reads. So if you liked this chapter please vote, comment, and share.
❤️❤️❤️ Ashlyn

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