The Bob Opinion

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He has a dream, a dream that is unreal to any human being. That perso'swill of power is exceptional. He was given a gift that can change almost anything if used wisely. His name is Bob.

 I'm sure everyone if not almost everyone had an ambition, a dream, a daydream, a vision that is based on their own opinions and perspectives and believ it or not, our dreams only affect us and not the whole world. If we the normall class is described as a colony of ants, we would be the worker ants,. The ones who has a dream but instead of pursuing it, they just follow the expecatations and responsibility that has been implanted on their brains form the very start as a robot. No choicers. 

these short compilation of words are not just an opinion of a dude named Bob but also a piece of junk that should not be appreciated and can waste at a maximum of 20 minutes if you're a slow reader.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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