Henry X Ricken -lemon-

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Another day, another battle.
It's just a small hoard of risen, so Ricken and Henry wanted to fight it on their own. They have been friends for a few years now. But, over those few years, they slowly started to fall in love with each other, yet never had the guts to tell.

Little known to Henry, Ricken was very ill, carrying a type of stomach sickness that, under stress, could kill him.
Ricken kept his happy face on all the time, for the one he loved. Even though he didn't know if Henry even loved him back.

Being deep in his thoughts, Ricken didn't realize he was walking without looking and face planted straight into Henry's warm back.
The white haired mage turned around, with his usual bubbly voice, he spoke,
"Haha! Wake up Rickie, we're almost there!" Ricken looked away, a slight blush crossed his cheeks, he softly spoke back "I know" Henry giggled back and they continued on their way.

-walking .skip of time. walking-

They finally arrived at the village where the risen were wreaking havoc. By what they could see, there was only a few.
In unison, they whispered "too easy."
set down their bags and continued into the town, it was easy, That is, until the pair started to really fight, then many more risen then expected began to appear around them.

Ricken was getting worse, he thought to himself, after casting a spell, killing the bag faced blob with one hit.
"I can't take this. It hurts, I need a healer.." He glanced to Henry's beaming face as he killed yet another risen, "I have to keep fighting, for him."

Henry, being oblivious to his shorter partner's well being, kept on fighting his way through the zombie like creatures. Smiling and giggling each time a body hit the ground and slowly dissipated into nothing. But his giggles didn't last, he heard a familiar scream.

By the time Henry made his way to Ricken he was doubled up on the ground, unconscious, with his large hat off, exposing his messy brown hair. The taller boy picked him up off the cold ground, putting the blue mage hat onto his head. Carrying his partner around like a bride was much simpler then he thought it would be, then it hit him like a blade, Ricken is to light. Much to light.

The sun was starting to set rapidly, Henry started to panic and asked around for the nearest healer, they told him that there is one near by, named Alex. Henry bursted through her door with his back, panting from the run to her center. She looked up from her dest, blond hair in her face somewhat.
"How can I help you si-"
Before she could respond Ricken's limp body was on her desk "help him." Henry demanded. She nodded softly and stepped back, picking her staff up from it's leaning position on the wall.
Closing her eyes, the magic's light filled the dark room, going to Ricken.

Alex smiled at Henry "there you go Sir! All better, it just might take him awhile to regain consciousness." Henry smiled in return letting out a deep breath. "Thank you!" She gave him a sweet smile, wished them good luck and good bye. Then he left.

Henry walked back to the outskirts of town, with Ricken still in his arms, breathing softly. Henry lightly laid Ricken onto the ground to pick up their bags. Throwing them over his back, he leaned down and picked Ricken's relaxed body off of the ground once again and continued on walking. He didn't get to far before he got tired, just to add, it was getting dark and Ricken was becoming increasingly cuter and cuter. Henry couldn't resist anymore, he laid Ricken down carefully and kissed his cheek and forehead, wanting more, but he couldn't have it.

Ricken curled into a ball while Henry took the only tent they brought out of his bag, rushing to put it up. Once the tent is up he put blankets and the few pillows they had down.

He crawled out the tent to see a groggy Ricken trying to sit up, with a wide smile Henry hugged Ricken close. When Henry took his arms away from Ricken's warm body he almost instantly had his love wrapped around him, Henry laughed and crawled into the tent, Ricken riding on his back.

Henry laid down quickly, flopping onto the ground, making the brunet fall with him. Laughing, they cuddled next to each other. They sat up, Henry still giggling softly. "H-hey Henry..?" The dark mage looked at Ricken "Hm..?"
"I- uh... Thanks for carrying me and taking me to that healer..." Henry smiled wide, a light blush glazing his cheeks "Thats not problem! I love you after all! Haha!" Ricken blushed deeply, "Y-you... Huh?" Without answering, Henry scooted closer to the short mage, pulling him into a warm hug, Henry whispered into his ear "You heard me~"
Ricken's body stiffened and shivers ran down his spine. Without another word, Henry kissed his neck then his lips, greedily pushing his tongue into the littler one's mouth without asking. Still wide eyed, Ricken slowly started to relax and lean into his partner's soft lips. They soon had to pull away from each other's lips for air. Henry looked at Ricken, eyes washed over with lust.

They took each other's clothes off. Teasing and playing with one another along the way, counting they had so much of it on. Both of them were only clad in boxers when Henry couldn't take it anymore, he slowly pushed Ricken onto his back, laying over the shota, calming dominance. Blushing, Ricken was about to speak up but was cut off by yet another passionate kiss. Not that he minded anyways.

Henry pulled from Ricken's lips, getting a small whimper, then moved to his neck, kissing until he found the soft spot. Ricken let out a quite moan as Henry kept kissing then moved to his collar bone, still continuing down, stopping the waste line of his boxers. Henry looked up at Ricken's face, covered with dark blush and smirked, pulling them down ever so slowly making Ricken go crazy. Then threw the last article of Ricken's clothes into the corner of the small tent.

The dark mage crawled up the younger mage's body, kissing his cheek then looking down at him with his red eyes, making Ricken blush more and avert vision away from Henry. Henry ran his fingers acrossed Ricken's jaw line, soon making his way to Ricken's mouth, sticking three fingers into the wind mage's warm mouth. Ricken lightly moaned and danced his tongue around the seme's cold fingers.

Henry removed his fingers and gave his uke a reassuring smile. Ricken was blushing so much that he thought his cheeks were going to ignite into flames.
Henry brought is wet fingers to Ricken's entrance, pushing one into him. Ricken bit the back of his hand to muffle any moans that escaped his mouth. Pushing another finger into him, Henry started to become impatient. Not bothering anymore Henry took away his two fingers and kissed Ricken's torso, making him open his brown eyes, looking down at Henry.

"Ready?" Henry softly asked, Ricken nodded back. Henry slipped off his boxers and pushed himself into Ricken's tight entry. The wind mage bit the back of his hand so hard he thought it might bleed. Tears started to gather in the corners of Ricken's eyes as Henry thrusted his length all the way into Ricken. "G-gods Henry, it hurts." the younger mage stuttered. "It won't for long, don't worry." Henry said, his voice washed with bliss. The older mage stayed as still as he could, waiting for Ricken to get comfortable. After a few seconds, Ricken moved his hips back and forth, nodding when Henry looked up at him. Henry slowly pulled out and thrusted himself back in roughly, making Ricken shakily moan. He repeated the movement and Ricken's painful moans turned to those of pleaser. Henry started to move faster and rougher, grunting each time he hit Ricken's soft spot. Without warning, Ricken released, moaning loudly and getting cum on his stomach. Henry followed soon after with a loud moan. Panting, Henry pulled out slowly. Henry looked at Ricken's blushing face and gave his signature smile.

They laid down together and covered up under a blanket, humming softly to each other. They cuddled up and fell asleep.
Chrom and Sumia got up and woke everyone up, "hey, where's Henry and Ricken?" They all shrugged then Panne and Gaius came out of their tent, a light blush on Panne's cheeks. "We heard moaning that sounded like Ricken coming from up there" Gaius pointed up the trail and walked the army following close behind.

When they got to Ricken and Henry's small tent, Chrom was the first one to look in, seeing the two boys cuddled up. Naked. The army walked away without a word. Most faces blushing and a few of the girls quietly scweeing.


See yah next story~
Love you guys <3


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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