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(Desolation row gerard)// gerard way, aka The Bad Boy of school, starts to develop a soft spot for you after being partnered in chemistry.

You were exhausted.
Another sleepless night, another school day, dealing with the same hopeless people.

You walked into first period Chemistry feeling like shit as you slung your bag onto the desk and collapsed your head on top of it as an attempt to sleep for a bit before the teacher entered.

Of course, with your luck that day, that wasn't going to happen.

"Im sitting here" a familiar voice stated as they sat them-self beside you with an excruciating amount of noice.

Gerard way.

"Whatever" you managed to mumble into your school bag.

"Jesus, you look like shit" he laughed quite amused by your actions today. He pulled out a cigarette.

You sat up straight. He wasn't serious.

"That's disgusting" you snapped making a face.

"Hm?" He put the cigarette in his mouth "what's it to you?" He looked at you with entertainment in his eyes rolling a lighter between his fingers.

He was quite attractive, I'll give him that much. His longish, raven hair parted in the middle, behaving as it stayed in a position were you could still see his face.

Leather jackets and cigarettes. The Bad Boy facade had almost every girl in this school swooning.

He crossed his leg up still looking at me obviously waiting a response.

"Well" I started looking at the combats he had on and looking at my own, the same make.
"It's just disgusting to me, it does no good and can really damage you physically and mentally" I stated matter of factly.

He was still staring as I looked up. He gave a sigh and put the cigarette away again. "Happy
(y/l/n) you're taking a toll on me" he leaned in slowly.

You thought for a moment he was going to kiss you as you got a whiff of cigarettes and cologne.

"Love the shoes" he whispered and moved back to his original position, satisfaction played in his eyes as he glanced a few times at you smirking.

A few minutes after class begun Gerard leaned over and whispered
"Need help?" He was already pulling your work from you, swiftly writing things down looking at you occasionally.

The last bell went and you eagerly made your way through the doors. You stopped suddenly seeing Gerard and his "gang" about to light a cigarette.

You caught his attention and he stared at you for a moment then dropped the cigarette and stood on it. He then raised his hands in defeat and you silently smiled to yourself.

Gerard Way imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now