I know

18 1 9

OK i know i just posted one of these like a few minutes ago but i got tagged twice yay

1) i have two pets (dog and a cat

2) i am a twin

3) i have sprained my right ankle twice

4) red and black are probably my favorite colors

5) i am in the 8th grade 

6) i love theodd1sout

7) i want to make a mixtape and give it to small children 

8) my friends calls me samalamadingdong bc of the movie inside out (bing bong) 

9) i am a terrible person

10) i will never be popular but my friends say i am 

11) i have a scar above my eye bc my sister threw a lps at me when we were like 5 and i also got a black eye from that to (thanks jherbwhin)

12) i call my friends by vines references and not by there names

13) i am the only one awake in my house rn


you are the only one i feel like tagging so yeah bc i am a lazy bum ok bye 

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