Chapter 10

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A week later.

" You not killing my unborn child!" He yelled through the phone before he hang up.

I shook my head and sighed. The guilt was really eating me alive.

I heard loud voices and a door slam and seconds later everybody crowded in my room.

" Wassup Baby" Kentrell asked sitting down on my bed and hugging me. They went to go bail him out this morning.

" Can y'all like leave so I can talk to him?" I asked bluntly and they left out a few seconds later, closing the door.

" Was wrong? Damn you don't miss a nigga?" He cheesed.

" Yeah I missed you but I gotta talk to you" I said and he nodded.

" Igotpona" I rushed the words out.

" What, manee slow down" He said.

" I- I got pregnant on accident" I said seriously and he busted out laughing and I stared at him.

" You serious?" I nodded.

" So what, you don't want my baby?" He asked.

" I- do, but it's not your baby" I said and he got up off the bed.

" Then who baby is it?" He asked bluntly.

" You can't get mad at me- you got Star pregnant again" I said changing the subject.

" Stop changing the damn subject, who nutted in you other than me?"

" Um-Um I'm sor-

" Just fucking say it!" He yelled.

" Scotty" I sighed.

" Cain?" He asked and I nodded.

(A/n If you don't know who Scotty Cain is then you jus- just look him up )

I looked down and a few seconds later I felt him grab me by my neck and slam me into the wall.

" Kent- let me g-go" I managed to get out.

" Nah I'm not letting nothing go! You outchea messing with these opp ass niggas behind my back!" He yelled.

I seen the door swing open and it was Kd, Kentrell didn't even bother to look back. Kd stared at us for a few seconds and then he ran off.

A few seconds later I seen Kd appear by the door but this time he was Ben.

" Fuck you doing?" Ben grabbed Kentrell and he let go.

" What you putting ya hands on her manee?" Ben asked Kentrell but he didn't answer he just stared at me and Kd pushed me behind me.

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