the nightmare

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one day a littel girl was at her house she was about eleven people say shes a stol away but does that madder she is on her own goes to school has a job. but the one thing holding her back is the night mare.

                                                           CHAPTER ONE OF SIX 

so it is the last day of school middle madem rose school her boy friend is a total ass hole and he is not really her boy friend he just uses her well whats not to like shes funny,sweet,charming,has all the curvs and edges so every boy in the school likes her and she out fliping the world smart. she hates him but she wont tell him that she is smart not to he will abuse her and rape her when she a sleep in his house well come on what a shit head right but she does not like him or really anyone they just want her to show off is what she thought at leats well it was true but she had a one tenth of a hope left so she left packed her stuff and was on her way to her city still neare school but not him he is in high school so she wont have to care much as so she thought. Her boy friend was in the country part of texas but she went to the city she was happy until this one guy stole her heart and locked it up and dumped the key but it just happends it was point lest he was a joke to the school her friends she had hated him because he was hot pasted point of amazing or as people would say O.M.G HOTTT!!!!!!! 

oh no i totaly for got to tell you her name was kate j love the j stand for jane the guy that stole her heart is jake dolson no-one really knows his middle name but that was before there life would soon turn around and fall in to each other personal life.

                                                               CHAPTER TWO OF SIX


Today was the frist in forever she felt safe the frist day of summer a way from every thing in the morning she woke up and her phone started ringing it was blocked and some one yelled in to the phone HEY LAST NIGHT WAS FUN WE SHOULD HANG OUT SOME OTHER TIME then hung up confused and consernd walking into her living room and seen all he friends and jake she ran go dressed and in the middle of putting on her make up jake walking into her bedroom and look a round and walk up to her and hug her she was shocked she had no idea what was happing he grabed his jaket and left on his harly davedson she smiled and the she saw a disc and played itit was the night before watching it in shock then a ring of a alarm went off and it was the real morning yep all a dream it was the middle of winter and she got dressed and went to school on her longboard.

she forgot all about the ice jake parks his harly and she ran straght in to him every thing went quite and she grabed her stuff and ran he grinde and laght just bersting with laghfter and she turn around and said HEY YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY as her arm starts dripping with blood he turned and saw his bike was cover with her blood by then every one was inside he froze and she clapesed he ran to help her and put her on his bike and drove to her house with her on her back dug throgh her purse and grabed the keys opend the door layed her one the bed and bamdegd her up.

                                                 CHAPTER THREE OF SIX



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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