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Brazil Lauren was never a big fan of parks. she thought they were too packed and there was no quiet because of the screaming children running around along. as a young girl she had also had been a great target for bugs so whenever she did go to the park she would come back with what looked like hundreds of big bites all over her body. but since it was Jack and hers first official date she cut him some slack.

"so i got us a little bit of everything that i know you like, i hope that's okay" Jack says shyly. Brazil puts one of her hands on his and smiles.

"it's perfect, thank you Jack"

"anything for you, love"

meanwhile at the other end of the park, Brandi Lauren and her good friend Jaeden Lieberher walked Brazil's dog around the sidewalk since Brazil was never a fan of doing so.

"you need to do something that will win her over, something... amazing!" Brandi exclaims stretching her arms out at the last word.

Jaeden laughs, "and how exactly am i supposed to do that?"

"i don't know," she shrugs, "you're always the one with good ideas"

"well, yeah, but not when it comes to stuff like this," Jaeden sighs. the pair walk further into the park to the dog area and let Luci, Brazil and Finn's dog that they renamed for the 10th time, run free with other dogs.
Brandi goes to sit on the bench but freezes once she looks at what's beside her.

"uh, Jaeden," she says pulling him to look in her direction, "you're gonna have to hurry up on that plan"

Jaeden's eyes widen and he furrows his eyebrows, "why is she here? she hates parks, they're too loud for her and turn her into a buffet for bugs!"

"it's Jack, obviously, look!" Brandi points a bit further to the right where Brazil's boyfriend Jack Kelly sat pulling out all sorts of food and drinks onto a picnic blanket.

Jaeden scoffs, "and now he's wooing her over with food! who does that?" he whisper shouts so Brazil couldn't hear them.

"well apparently Jack does!" Brazil whisper shouts back and then picks up Luci as she was sitting at the girls feet, "now, let's go over there and act cool," she says and drags the boy with her towards her sister.

"hey, Brazil! didn't expect to see you here" Brandi says in a fake cheerful voice and smiles.

Brazil turns to the pair and smiles, "oh hey brandi!" she goes and hugs her sister, "hey Jaeden" she smiles but doesn't hug the boy causing his heart to slightly break but he smiles anyways.

"hey Brazil, i thought you didn't like parks" he says with a slight chuckle.

Jack's eyes widen, "what? you told me you love parks!"

Brazil turns to her boyfriend and hold his hand reassuringly, "i do love parks! it's just that i get bug bites sometimes, but not anymore"

"did you put on some spray just incase?" Jaeden asks.

Brazil glares at him and fake smiles, "i'm fine, Jaeden. just go, i'll see you guys at the house later," Jaeden goes to day something but sighs and walks off with a frowning Brandi behind him.

authors note: YEET it's me i'm back kids

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