iWatch Old Webcasts

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-iWatch Old Webcasts-

Warnings/Disclaimers: I think you already know that I don't own iCarly or its characters.


"He knew if Sam was watching him, she already knows what he truly feels and that's what he wanted." What happens a decade after a tragic incident at Ridgeway High.


5:00 pm

It's been 10 years since they stopped iCarly. It's also been 10 years since Ridgeway High had experienced its most tragic incident.

Freddie Benson let himself inside the Shay's apartment, "Today's the day" he said, voice barely above a whisper.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to" said Carly Shay, her usual sweet and innocent voice reverberates through the dusty, empty room. "But I want to. For Sam. It's been all these years and I want to see her again." Freddie manages a smile.

"Just one more time. I know you want to see her, too. You're her best friend. You're special to Sam and she is to you, too." a tear slips down her cheek as the memory of that dreadful day played through her head, over and over like a broken record as she wipes the tear away. The last thing Freddie needs is a crybaby to watch the old iCarly videos with. "For Sam." she says.

They went upstairs ignoring the creaks the old stairs makes as they step on them. The memories of their days in the iCarly studio were the ones Freddie avoided the most, it always makes him depressed and reminisce.

As they reached the studio, Freddie's the first one to look at their trophies. Most of them he remembers but some a little hazy. "Ready?" asks Carly.

He turns around to face her, "Ready". Carly dusts two beanbags - leaving the third one behind - and wipes the screen clean with a cloth as Freddie tests some tech things to make sure it still works before they settle down.

They watched as the screen swings and comes to life. They started with when they interviewed students about their talents, and after 9 webcasts Freddie stopped the video.

"Why did you stop the video? Were not halfway done with it yet." asks his puffy-eyed friend. Freddie didn't even notice that she was crying.

"Not yet? Um...I'm hungry." it's obvious that Freddie wasn't the greatest liar but since Carly has been crying she's still in the I-believe-almost-everything-you-say mode.

"Oh. I'm going to look for food in the bag downstairs. Want to come?" said Carly, wiping a stray tear from her left cheek while standing up. "Nah, I think I'll stay here. I'm a little tired." he says stretching his arms and yawned to make it believable.

"I'll be back. Don't play it." she said as she went down the stairs.

When Freddie knew he was out of hearing range his vision began to get blurry. "This is all my fault, this is all my fault" he says repeatedly. "I should have come for you. Surely, I had the time, but instead I ran out. You were calling my name. You were reaching for my arm but I let the building bury you. When the building collapsed I thought you survived with the rest off us. I was looking for you. That's when I heard a scream then a thud. I recognized the shout and I knew it you. I was calling your name but...it was too late. I'm sorry. I-I love you, Sam." He was crying when Carly went inside with her snack bag.

"Oh, Freddie," she looked at her best friend, dropping the bag and sitting beside him. He knows that she understands why so he just shakes his head as if the memories would go away and leave him alone.

"I could've saved her. I COULD'VE SAVED SAM! I KILLED HER!" he shouted.

I killed her.

"Sweetie, you didn't. There wasn't anything you could've done."

"Yes there was, Carly. You don't know what happened." Freddie accused

I killed her.

"Do you want to go now?" she asked him as she rubbed his back. He shook his head, "No." he said.

"Alright. Come on, let's just get this over with." she said, moving so they could both face the screen infront of them.

After 20 more webcasts Freddie heard a snore. He paused the video and saw Carly sleeping peacefully in her beanbag, holding a roll of tissue paper. He stopped the video, fixed their things and carried Carly downstairs and into his car.

He drove to her house and opened the door using her spare key under the mat and dropped her on the couch with her bag and other belongings. He decided to visit her tomorrow. He went inside his car and went home and watched the rest of the videos by himself.

He knew if Sam was watching him, she already knows what he truly feels and that's what he wanted. He wanted her to know he regrets his actions as a teenager. Freddie loves Sam, he doesn't know if he will ever love another as much as the blonde. And he only hopes against hope that maybe, just maybe, Sam feels the same.


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