Notes & Prologue

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oh look i wrote another shitty story

so i was listening to "Universe" by EXO, and i started thinking, "this is a really good idea for a fanfiction! maybe about a guy who—" i'm not telling you the rest ;)

again, this is another shitty story


it will be confusing as hell


it might get better

because this one i actually came up with a plot

also: everything that happens in this story is a work of FICTION.

so don't go onto [insert name here]'s profiles and say, "[insert name here] you're a bitch!"


alright, onto the story.

edit: finally edited


Was this... was this where fate brought them?

Did fate despise them to the point where they lost each other? Everything they had?

They were like the stars in the sky; they look so close together like nothing could split them apart - but really, they were always far from each other, to begin with - yet they promised each other to collide once again. But alas, it was impossible.

This is the story of Irene and Suho; Joohyun and Junmyeon; the two stars separated by fate.


finally edited this.

are y'all satisfied now?

'cause i'm sure not.

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