A poem on Introverts

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-----No offence meant-----This was done in good humour and I trust it will be taken with such-----Thank you-----

When people ask me what I do,

I only say I read, it's true!

Occasionally I like to write,

But the time I take to do that is slight.

I come from the most unusual race,

Of introverts, our heads in space.

Luckily for you we don't have much attitude,

But I'm afraid we do like our solitude.

Some of us read,

Sometimes we write.

We do all of these deeds.

Up late in the night.

Group work is just not our thing,

Unless its like the Fellowship of the Ring.

Public Speaking? No thank you.

I think I'd rather eat my shoe.

I hope I have now informed you,

Of who we are and what we do.

We got all the perks,

'Cause we're introverts!

-----And yes, I know, it makes no sense-----Isn't that nice...-----

A poem on IntrovertsWhere stories live. Discover now