A Father's Love

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I just want to announce how happy I've been with all your great feedback on my current story Searching for my Identity. And I'm pretty thankful for the response and comments and I hope you're going to like the one shot. 
It's about Logan's feelings when he and his little newborn daughter are together for the first hours. Please feel free to leave a comment after reading my one shot. I would appreciate it very much thank you :) #GilmoreGirlsChristmasChallenge and thanks for the great Idea @ClaudiaCleland.

A Father's Love

25. December 2017

I had to confess that I was quite scared when Rory told me that she was pregnant with my baby, that I'm going to be a father. At this moment there were so many thoughts going through my head like if I would be a good dad or what if I fail at being a dad just like my dad?

It was now one o'clock in the morning on the 25th December, and I still couldn't believe that she was lying in my arms. Mine and Rory's first daughter. I held her gently in my arms and I couldn't get enough of her.

After 16 long hours in labor, our little Elizabeth Emily Huntzberger was finally born. We had spent a long time considering which name we wanted to give our baby. There were so many names we had in mind.

Therefore I was quite surprised when Rory had decided to name her after my beloved aunt Elizabeth because we had chosen the name, Isabella Honor for a girl and Elias Christopher if it was a boy.

I knew some of Rory's family asked themselves why we didn't name her Lorelai the fouth, but it was Ace's idea to break the tradition.

Carefully, I touched her blond hair and felt her slight movement in my arms.

"Hey sweetie, everything is alright, daddy's here. I'm relieved that you're here by my side honey-bee. I know you're too small to understand the grown-up stuff, but I'm afraid. Afraid that I'm not going to be a good father to you.
That I will be like my dad, but I'm doing the best I can. To attend every dance lessons, school plays, or soccer games if you follow after me and to cheer you up if you get bad grade at school. You and your mommy are the most important people in my life and don't worry about boys or stuff like that.
If you start dating before your in your 20's it will be too soon in my eyes." I cooed at her with a loving voice as a happy smile spread across my lips as she opened her piercing blue eyes.

She was beautiful and looked just like her adorable mommy. Perfection in everyway and I couldn't imagine a life without her. Elizabeth was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my life.

I was so glad that she was healthy and everything else would turn out the way it was predetermined.

If someone told me one year ago that I would become a father, I wouldn't have believed him.

The last year has been full of obstacles, fears and obligations towards my family. Man was I ever glad that Finn and Colin, my best friends finally persuaded me and saved me from the biggest mistake of my life.To become the husband of Odette Lamintage.

About two years ago my father came up with the idea to set me up with Odette, daughter of Pierre and Audrey Lamintage just a few months after I had reconnected with Rory in Hamburg. It was a real accident that I had met Ace in Hamburg while I was on a business trip.

Odette's family owned a lot of papers all over Europe and my dad had the foolish idea to merge our company with Lamintage's Newspaper.
But that was typical Mitchum Huntzberger. Odette and I had only seen each other a few times but there wasn't any chemistry between us. No offense to Odette she is pretty, smart and funny, but she wasn't my Ace.

My parents weren't very fond of the idea that Rory and I be reunited again and so they made a contract without my knowledge that I was trapped in a loveless relationship with Odette. Then she moved into my London flat, not long after my father had caught Rory and me at lunch. I felt sorry for Odette because she was in love with a french guy as I was with Rory. It was always her.

I guess I didn't love any women before Lorelai Leigh Gilmore waltzed into my life 2005 at the coffee cart at Yale. She was very different compared to all the other girls I had already dated. Rory and I complemented each other perfectly and I couldn't imagine another woman like Ace in my life.

And now I've got two women in my life which I never wanted to get rid off.

My incredible Ace and my little daughter Lizzy, who was lying in my arms looking up at me with her innocent doe eyes.

I was such in awe and had to smirk when she began to yawn again.

"Someone's getting tired huh honey? It's sleepy time for you and please never forget that daddy loves you. Merry Christmas baby girl." I whispered in her ear, while I put her back into her bassinet.

I watched her with a lovely grin on my face for a few minutes until she finally fell asleep again.

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