Patricia's life before they all met - chapter 1

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3rd person:  Patricia had a hard time accepting who she is. She wanted to see other people,get to know them even though the only people she knew were her parents. Patricia started to get lonely and wanted to see the real world. Then Patricia came up with a plan to see new people and got to know a boy.

 Patricia: I will see the world even if my parents don't want me to. I made a rope out of the scarfs that my grandma gave to me from a store. I still wonder what store. She always left me on cliff hangers like people do in story's. I love when she took me out to the circus. Besides that I never left the house just gaze out my window before falling asleep. My mom never homeschooled me so I learned things on my own. Like tying my shoe and how to get pictures and so much more. I only need one thing now that I have not learned yet is love. Because my parents don't love me so I will have to figure it out for my self. Then I hear my door nob moving. it is my dad with a glass bottle. 

Patricia's Dad: You need to get to bed now. *cracks the bottle over her head* That will teach her to go to bed on time. Why did I have to have a messed up daughter. This is why I wanted a son. Girls are weaker than boys and in this house it will stay that way. I'll make sure of it.

Patricia: *lays unconscious on floor bleeding* *wakes up weak with glass on her face and blood on the floor* He hit me with another glass bottle! GOD DAMN IT! Next time I won't go down that easy. I leave now and I see a guy sad, alone, and scared. When I walked up to him, he flinched. So I calmed him down. He didn't look frightened anymore. He got up and hugged me. Then I said my name is Patricia. He smile a little and said my name is Averry I just moved here and I don't have any friends. Why? You are so nice. I scare people sometimes when I be myself. People don't like the other side of me when I get protective. Can I show you something I can do. Please don't get scared. Averry said concerned. I won't I promise. 

Averry: I lifted out my hand and a flame appeared. Woah how did you do that. Patricia said in awe. I have found out I had them a few years ago and watch this. *whistle* What is going to happen? Patricia asked. Well watch and find out. A wolf made of fire ran from the forest and stood next to me. How did you get it? Patricia asked.  When I was born it was born. That is how people like me get our pets. No one in my family is like me. Wait are you like me? Try to whistle. Okay. As Patricia whistled.

Patricia: I heard some thing, but nothing was there then I saw a bunny. awwwww it is cute. Averry checked it for magic and it was my magic bunny see it has your name on it. That is how you know it is yours. Patricia can you lift up your hand? Averry asked. Yeah why? Just lift up so I can see your palm. Averry said. So when I did it shocked me. Huh you are a water elemental for now. Averry said. Her words scared me. I have never met any one like me until you. Averry said smiling a little.  I hear some one coming. You do? I don't. Patricia said. I have enhanced hearing like a wolf that is how we get are powers by who our pets are. I think it is Zane. Who is Zane? Patricia asked. Zane is the first person that I talked to when I moved in. I haven't shown him my power yet. Don't tell anyone about our powers okay. Okay. Patricia says in agreement. Hey Zane why did you come in the forest? 

Zane: I come into the woods to cool off/blow of steam. Why are you and- I am Patricia my parents don't let me out of the house. So I snuck out and found Averry crying and scared. Patricia said. I never took you as a crying scared type. *Averry started to blush a bright pink and hide his face* sorry I didn't know you liked him. Patricia whispered. I don't. 

Averry: I ran into the woods deeper so they couldn't find me. Then I flew on to a big branch in the tree. I started singing and I couldn't keep it in. "I know that deep inside there is a guy that loves and it doesn't bother him if the other person doesn't like him back. Even if he is scared he just keeps laughing. It does hurt a little for me cause I am not as strong as him. I really am this scared shy little guy that need a little comfort. I want him to love me back, but I don't want to hurt him. He might hear this song and know that he is not alone. That some one does like him. Even though my dreams and I are really big. He doesn't know that I like him in side *starts to tear up*  *tears fall from tree so Zane climbs the tree* 

Zane: What is wrong? Stuff. Averry quickly answered. He started to cry on my shoulder. Huh?!?!?! Uhhhhhh Averry. Yes. Averry said with teary eyes. Oh never mind. It is fine. *I mumbled* "He can't know the truth that I have powers and like him" He likes me and has powers like me? Averry thought. Hey Zane. Averry finally said. What Averry? Zane can you whistle? Averry asked. Yeah why? Can you show me? Averry said looking down. 


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