Short Story #2

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Carl has been gone 2 years now. We had been dating for 3 years; I thought it was going to finally become a serious relationship. We had the best life imaginable; we had loving families, caring friends, and amazing jobs together. We worked at a science museum; it had everything you could think of. Science experiments you could do yourself, there was a performance by a scientist with a PhD in physics, even a weather simulator. We had it great, but what starts good always ends bad I guess.

Alexa, his sister, couldn't take the pain of losing her brother. She threw herself into her work, but even that wouldn't take away the pain. She started drinking, which then led to drugs and smoking. She couldn't stop the pain; she then tried fighting pain with pain by cutting. Her parents did what they could to get her to stop; locked her in her room without anything sharp, followed her everywhere, they even tried to put her in a rehabilitation facility. It didn't work.

Nancy and Drew, his parents, were devastated. First their son died and they could do nothing about it, then their daughter died and they did everything they could and it didn't do a dang thing. Do you know how it feels when everything you love and hold dear in this world is ripped from your grasp and taken away never to be returned to you? Do you know how it feels to do everything you possibly can to stop something or someone, and it not work? It feels like your heart and soul have been ripped out of you and run over by a truck, then shoved back into you expected to work the same. Alexa and Carl's death pushed them to the edge. They were through with life; disappointed that their lives had been turned inside out and all they could do was sit and watch, trying to help but only making it worse.

Courage; that's what I needed. I was given the boxes containing Carl's possessions. After 2 years going by, I have finally mustered enough courage to open them up. There are ten total, so I just grab a random one. The first box I grab is heavy, probably books or papers. As I open the box, the first thing I notice is the picture of Carl and I on a roller coaster. We had decided that we were going to kiss when it took the picture. Since it was a two person ride, no one else was in the shot besides us, making it look romantic. As I get to the last box, I lift it up to put it on the table noticing that it would rattle when moved. I lifted the lid and picked up a thin red plastic container filed with little things I thought I had lost at Carl's house. My hair ties and jewelry that I dropped or took off, forgetting to grab on my way out of the house. There were a few other miscellaneous things in there like a pencil and a belt, but there was also a speech and a black velvet box. I opened the speech to be met with a painstaking blow to the heart. The speech was what he was going to say when he proposed to me.

Engaged; that's what I should be. Carl was going to propose to me before he died. I didn't realize he was ready too, he even asked my father for his blessing to marry me. Nothing has ever hit me like this swift, strong blow of surprise. My family had always said he was the one, I never knew that this was what they meant. I should be engaged to the sweetest, handsomest, man I have ever met, but now I am just a lonely girl, looking at what should be and what is.

Rings; there are billions of rings he could have chosen, and out of all of them he chooses the one I wanted. The one with a princess cut diamond with metal blue leaves coming out of the base. With 4 tiny diamonds going down the sides of the white gold band pulling your eyes out from the leaves and diamond. This ring was the thing connecting was is and what should've been together; never will I ever take this off. This ring signifies who he is and the cure to the sickness that was slowly killing our families. It is the cure to the cancer known as heartbreak he had given me and died from the cancer god had given him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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