,Theo breaks into stardom!

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Hello I'm Theo I'm 20 years of age i  have been a semi professional singer/songwriter for a couple of years now and I'm loving every moment of it! Yes i might only be performing in pubs and a few restaurants but its kind of cool because its a challenge to entertain a load of drunken people and i find that in my career you will always come across one or two.

My main ambition in life is to become a well known artist such as Rita Ora , Hayley Williams  there are just two singers i aspire to be like.

I have never really known how i could be noticed by these record company's because i didn't know where to start and i couldn't exactly go there or hand in my details in case they sent me a letter , i cannot risk receiving a letter because of my parents will not be very pleased as they want me to become a scientist and have a job which will bring in money  so that they can be proud of me if they had any idea i was singing in pubs and restaurants they would  make sure i understood their disappointment.

i send all of my examples through an email letting the record labels know I'm here and to ask them if they are interested because i would like nothing more than to be performing next to the artist you see in the papers there's Elton john now he is my all time favorite!

i recently had a gig at a bar which lasted 3 hours and i  thought it went badly because the customers were laughing at me which made me feel as though i wasn't good enough but as a professional i carried on the performance little did i know that the manager of the bar i was performing at had been on the phone and arranged some record labels to come and watch my performance.

After the performance i had a customer come up to me and say that was outstanding with the way you carried on even when the crowd was giving you a bad time and i admire you for that.  I then replyed with thank you very much its nice to know i an appreciated in what i do it means a lot  and before i could finish the stranger said and that's why i would like to see some more of your work and ask you if you are available to come and perform for my colleges at Sony a soon as the stranger said Sony i knew that he was  from Sony records  my face light up i was smiling and couldn't stop! 

In my head i was on my way to becoming everything i had wanted to be i was so! happy i couldn't speak all i could do was smile  after all this is all i had ever wanted a label record to recognize me for what i do.

the next day i traveled up to Sony records so excited about the possibilities this could give me i rushed there and took all my documents and  some songs i had written.

i got there and asked the lady at the check in desk who i needed to see and she told me to have a seat in reception and wait for further notice.  That is exactly what i did  half an hour had gone by and i was starting to worry thinking that he had forgot about me but my faith was restored when i heard his voice saying  Theo its me remember? from the bar?

i said yes of course! how could i forget you and i stated my excitement of being asked to your record label and being asked to show other examples of my work its nice to know that your taking an interest in my work so thank you for that.  Its fine he said  would you like to follow me and we can get started.

i sang for him  i showed him my song writing capability and also gave him my card in case he ever wanted me to come back.

Later on that evening i got a call from the stranger i had met at the bar who happens to be a scout for Sony records and he told me that he had shown his colleges my work and that everyone agreed.

I then asked him what have they agreed ?   he said they had agreed that we should offer you a contract with us and  i shouted yes!..yes I'd love to!!  he said OK i will need you to come down and sign a contract on paper so that everything is legal and we will have to talk about what you want out of our company and how we can best please you i just said OK but can't i just come down now please? and without hesitation he said yes OK be here within he hour i said OK ill see you there!

This time i knew j was going to become something and not nothing I'm over the moon with joy I'm finally going to get a career out of this!

i arrived and he said I'd like you to meet someone and you are going to be working on a debut single with this artist i said OK and in walks Mr X.

I'm not allowed to state who this celebrity was for legal reasons but I promise you this! you will love our album -breaking stars.

i have to go now i have to get back to the studio to record and work on my new album that is coming out.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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