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THE ONLY THING that kept Racquelle sane in her job was that she had to receive either any of these: money, power, a homicidal way to cure boredom, food, food, food, money, money, money, and a way to kill time (and maybe some other living things, too). And as money, and maybe power too, is the best thing in the world that could actually buy stuff, she needed plenty of that. So who was she to deny herself of this job?

"You sure about this?" Jesse asked as she looked over her shoulders, her lips were painted red as her brown eyes scanned the vicinity. "We came here for one thing, Racquelle. And I don't plan to ruin this dress just yet."

Ah, Jesse. She thought, vain vain vain Jesse. She only shrugged in response. "For all I know, Cas swore an invisible promise to rip that dress to shreds as soon as she laid eyes on it. And yeah, she wore trousers and a tunic underneath, you know her." She recalled the mere hour before this mission, when Cas slipped in her quarters to fetch some hair ties, in all her black tunic and trousers duo, with her black leather boots and obsidian wristbands that she wore to shield her wrists from her sais' sharp edges. "Shh," she said earlier. "Jesse would kill me."

"I'm going to kill her." Without further notice, Jesse produced a long, cylindrical object that stretched into a spear as soon as she pressed something on the end of it. It's blade glowed a sky blue color as whisps of white strands freckled it's tip. She sliced the dress off, revealing her own tunic and trouser pair. "So much for that fashion look." She then bounced off to some place, moving like wind—disappearing in the crowd as she already spotted the guards and kicked one right in the crotch. Racquelle only stood there, shrugging to herself as she reached in her skirt to find her sword that she strapped on her thigh, then sliced off her own dress, also wearing a tunic and trousers underneath.

She smirked to herself as her amber eyes found Dice, with all her electric fury rambling on about at the bar. This wasn't really part of the plan, but just to leave an impact, they just had to cause trouble in the Crypta residence. And also to leave a reminder. Kris just had to tell them they needed to, it's like a farewell to Wellhawk, a goodbye sent to the wealthiest man who walked its saint-forsaken roads. He explained it yesterday night before Cassandra McTyr emerged from the halls of their building carrying a box filled with clothing-dresses, really, more frills than silk. At first, Racquelle debated with herself if it was one of Kris' missions that involved disguises or Cas just had an overwhelming change in her fashion taste.

Thankfully, it was the former.

That night, Kris had them all in his office-all six of their faces painted with tension as they waited for Cas and Kris to lay out their plan. Apparently, they needed to rob Letno Crypta of information (and proposedly his heir if he doesn't give out the info) regarding one big heist for them. Surely, this big heist involved a big amount of money, since Kris was the one talking, or maybe something like the big damnation of havoc of imperialism to devise democracy into the lands of Polvestria, if Cas was the one in charge of the mission.

Kris had told them to not hold back and knock anybody they see senseless if that was what they wanted. They could even pick out all the knick knacks they wanted. Leave the greatest mark, strip them off of everything. Because they weren't gonna stay here anymore. They were leaving, and it's either they return as wealthy men and women or die on whatever quest Kris had gotten them into.

She paid no mind to the thought of dying as she slashed and stabbed through her way to the door. And when she did, Dice and Jesse were already waiting for her, with hands as bloodied as hers. She looked over the ransacked mansion, a wave of satisfaction hitting her chest as she smiled at the two women.

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