romeos backstory

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Chapter 1

Being born an only human child of a pack of Kumiho's, life was pretty unusual. They traded me with other species which was normal for me. They had done this routine since I was well.. born I guess. Most of the animals lived in the dark. Especially the hellhounds. If the hellhounds didn't they would be captured by the demons and other human like being that walked the busy streets of Sheol. Each day was filled with screams of terror, screaming, and everyday felt as if it were yesterday. Most of the animals said that they would love to die then stay in Skeol, but when they die each animal, sprit, and human would have a fight for the meat left on the bones. The Kishi family normally won the meat and would laugh at others mistakes. After battles happened there would normally be more meat then there would have been before. I starved most nights because I didn't fight for my food. The animal packs were on the move 24/7 if not the humans would catch us. Hell knows what they'll do to us if they find us. I've seen what they can do with their synths, guns, and whips and it's not a vary nice sight to see. I had a friend I guess you would say his name was Luke. Me and him met trying to avoid fights over who gets what at the dinner table just like it was yesterday.
Chapter 2
I was just going on my day looking for scrapes to eat when I ran across a dead chupacabra. They were rare to find back then in fact you would normally see them in the royal kingdom. Which if the guardians of the kingdom found you roaming close to the kingdom and suspect you they'll have no choice but to kill you. Then you remains go straight to the king and queen themselves, but like I care I'm just a little demon looking for food when I stumbled across the rare quality meat I thought to myself "it's a trap I should make sure it's safe to enter such quality." So I waited, and waited, and waited. I got impatient and went straight ahead to take it all for myself when I saw another child , a Kitsune sprit , she looked about my age. I can tell she was frighten. The was she looked at me with her soft, innocent eyes. It was like she was screaming in horror to get her the hell away from this shit load place. I wouldn't blame her if that was what she was truly thinking at the time. I was so busy caught up in her looks and gracefulness that I didn't notice her run away from me with the meat. When I 100% knew she was gone I went to take a bite of the meat but
there was noting to bite into. It's like the meat had come to life and ran away. Not only was I pissed I was starving too. This wasn't good I wanted to start a fight to get some food fast. I had seen my adoptive siblings fighting for some food and of corse the strongest one had won. I was so hungry I walked straight up to him and sucker punched him in the face. He spit blood out and grins at me. "Wanna start a fight pal!"he warned me as I was ready for anything. "Who said I'm your pal hahaha!" I laughed insanely as I felt my veins piping at the smell of blood. I could taste it in my mouth a fresh kill. I didn't notice at the time, but as I was fantasizing on eating a fresh kill I had bit the guys throat and somehow cut him open exposing his inner guts, liver, and intestines. I looked at my surroundings to check if anyone wanted to fight me for the meat I had just scored for, but not a soul was around. I started digging in enjoying most of it when I heard the cracking and rustling of branches and leaves close by I transferred into my Aamon sprit my adoptive mom taught me how to do and protected my meant growling, snarling and protecting my territory. My ears were down tail tucked in between my legs alarmed and scared my ears twitches to the sudden noises. My sense told me to get the fuck out of there but I wanted to finish my meal. The sound getting closer and closer. I was getting anxious, tired of waiting I wanted to see who it was behind the sounds. Looking in all directions, focusing on sound and feelings in the ground, listening to the roar of feet running full speed towards me. I shut my eyes "this is the end isn't it?!" I thought to myself. Holding my position, glueing my eye lids shut, and getting ready for whatever was out there. I hear footsteps come close to me then I feel a slight finger on my nose. I opened my eyes little by little and saw the same girl I had seen before. She stood there in worry, and shocked I didn't understand. Why was she here what happened to the death I was waiting for. All my fears went away, but my guard stayed alarmed I watched her every move not sure what to do or expect. She circled me like a vulture and a dead corpse. She stopped in front of me and leaned her head down in a bowing position and took a few pieces of meat off and backed away from it, laid on the ground, and slowly chewed on it. I can tell she hasn't eaten in days just like me she was starving and hopefully not getting into fights...unlike me. "Thanks..." she whispered in a shaky voice I replied with a slight shake of the head. I let my guard ease and started eating while standing up still watching her, but not as much. I herd footsteps, but this time the footsteps was somebody walking at a slow pace and by the sounds of it, it seemed like it was a full grown animal. The girl that had joined me in dinner had jumped and hid behind me and I stood as I did before protective and alarmed. Listening to the sounds of the footsteps getting closer. "Honey!! Where are you?" Worried barks and more footsteps were being added along I knew who it was and I ran straight for them as for the girl stayed behind terrified to move. I left her behind to fend for herself and met up with the footsteps I was hearing thinking it was my adoptive mother and father and the other pups and sprits, but it's was the Kishi pack. They tricked me into a trap of ambush, I backed away and ran into one on accident. "HeHehe you lost kiddo?" one laughed. "Hahaha I wanna crush the skull" one said with their eye balls popping out of their head. Im scared where's mom? Dad? Anyone!! "HELP!!" I screamed running in every direction I could to get out, but all directions seemed blocked. I scanned in between their legs to see if I could fit and make a dash for it, but they kept moving making it more difficult, and not only blocking my only way out they were closing in. Their next step was to start biting me with their razor sharp teeth ripping the muscle off my little body. I panicked and stayed still frozen to the ground hearing their laughs echo in my head then feeling their teeth digging into my shoulder blade, and another on on my left thy. The bites hurt and stung. My wounds were bleeding out non stop. I was beginning to think I'm going to bleed to death. I opened my eyes to see my world tilt sideways. This was it.... wasn't it... heh it seemed so peaceful. Get up! Get up!" I opened my eyes to a blurry image of a girl she had long dark blue almost grey hair, light blue eyes, pale skin, and a light grey torn up dress. She was like an angel, but I knew angels were forbidden here in Sheol so I must have been dead. Dead for sure! I sat up and looks at my surroundings and saw that I was in a cave. There was bones in a corner, a dead tree blocking the entry way, and the girl starring at me. "Where am I?" I asked. She smiled "Your in my den." Her voice even sounded angelic. She was beautiful. I zoned out looking at her and deeply thinking. "Hello... you in there?" She waved her hand in front of my face I snapped out of my daydreams. "This is your home basically? Where are your parents? Do you live alone? Are you an.." I had so many questions, but she had interrupted me "Yes this is my home and I do live alone. And please calm down your in shock I think you need to calm down before you bleed any more" she warned. I changed into my normal form. She looked at me in shock like I had killed her parents. "What did I do?" I worriedly asked her. She got on her hands and knees and bowed "I'm so sorry!"she apologized to me. I didn't know what to do I was confused at why she was apologizing for. What did I do to her to make her apologize to me? "I'm so sorry I stole from you!" She basically yelled at me in her soft, kind voice. "Woah, woah what? Calm down your making me scared. What are you talking about stealing from me?" I questioned her. "I stole the meat you wanted to eat I'm sorry" she whined. " stole it? I thought it ran away from me hmm... are you lying?" I still had a ton of questions, but I let her speak. "Hahaha you thought it ran away your funny" she laughed and blushed slightly. It was kinda cute I adored her blushing smile. I had to smile at her remark it made me laugh. "What's your name anyway strange wolf?" She asked sitting straight up with her hands in her lap. "I'm...honey" I said shyly holding she wouldn't make fun of my name. "Nice name Honey mines Cinderella, but you can call me Cindy for short." She proudly said at me with a smile planted on her face. "Okay Cindy!" I smiled back at her. We spent the rest of the day talking about each other, sleeping, and she kept an eye out for any trespassers while I stayed against the wall healing my woulda. When my heals healed I stood up and turned into my normal self and walked with a slight limp, but I was okay. I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder and she quickly grabbed me and flipped me over her and held me in place. I thought she broke my arm when she did. It all happened so fast I saw everything else in slow motion. "It's me, it's me." I said whinnying. She let go in an instant "who are you tell me right now or else!" She demanded me to say. "It's me, Honey, remember?" Scared for my lift that I was taken out by a girl. "Honey..?" She said confused. "Yes it's me Honey I am turn into more then just a wolf looking thing now please let me go it hurts" I whined as I felt my muscle tighten up. "So sorry. I'm just really jumpy." She apologized again. "It's fine, it's fine I understand." I said as she let my upper arm go. "Umm can I ask you something?" I politely asked. "Sure anything." She kept watch of the outdoors. "Why do you live alone? And where's your family?" I questioned regretting it when it came out of my mouth. Cindy looked at me and smiled ever so kindly, but deep down she was hurting from my decision. In a shaky voice she said "My family is ... on a vacation and I have no one else to go to, so I stay here and wait for them." Cindy started to cry and she didn't wipe her tears from her face, but she still had a faint smile on her face than was fading. I wiped the tears from her soft, red cheeks with my sleeves. "I'm sorry to ask again, but when's the last time you saw them?" Another regret coming from my mouth "you don't half to answer if you don't-" "They were taken by the king.... we were having a normal day when the army raided my cave and then my dad told me to stay hidden and not to come out until there was no sound anymore or my name was called, so I waited and waited then 2 days passed and I finally came out and nobody was there and I promised myself I would be ready for their arrival when they come back home, but I'm starting to give up on keeping my premise.." Cindy was hurting inside and I can tell she was going to cry again, so I hugged her tight. "It's okay you still have me Cindy!" I hugged her tight and stroked her hair. "I'm here."
Years have passed we were already 14 years old. Living with each other, caring, watching over each other, and protecting one another. We've been living together for 8 and a half years now. I was planning on going back to my pack sooner or later, but I didn't know how to tell her, so I stayed with her. We had killed for pleasure then hid the body's in our cave and ate them when we were hungry. It seemed like we had a endless supply of food. There was news coming in the the Sheol palace was hiring maids and Cindy wanted to work for them, but I didn't want her to leave my side, and she didn't. To repay her for staying I didn't go to my pack which I was ashamed of. I knew my adoptive mother would've been angry at me for leaving the pack. She probably thought I died or something. It was better if she never know. This way I wouldn't be punished. I had dreams of my pack and whimpered in my dreams and wake up crying sometimes. As normal we had eaten and watched for anyone coming, but this time it was different... Cindy didn't eat as much and she looked sadder than normal. "Hey you okay?" I question her actions. Cindy gave me a nod of her head forcing a smile painfully squinting her eyes close. "You sure? we've been living with each other so I know you vary well. Well enough to know when your okay and when your not. And your clearly not okay tell me what's going on! Plz.." I pressured her to say. Tears went down her face and she cried out "You don't want to stay with me anymore. Why can't we just stay here together. I don't care if your pack comes and visit just stay here with me please." She hugged me tightly in her clutch not letting me go. I let Cindy cry on my shoulder for what seemed hours. "I'll never leave you I promise. Plus" I pulled her away from me so I could look at her teared up face as she wiped away ye tears with her sleeves."you stayed when I told you not to go work at that palace so I'll keep my side of the promise and stay here with you okay." I pulled her close to me by her waist holding her in my arms, resting my head on her, and letting her hair softly with my blood stained hands.

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