18 Things for 2018

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Hey readers ! As the new year is going to start many of you might have been making resolutions as to what are you going to do the upcoming year.So this year before we make new resolutions it is important to know the meaning of a resolution i.e a strong determination or a statement of intend. So when you get determined to do something you stick to it and for that you need patience and self trust because many people around you are there to pull you down. Remember that.
Coming back to making new resolutions for the next year which is now on the countdown I've made some resolutions that I'll like to share and i want you guys to adopt some if possible.These are some 18 resolutions i think are important for us to adopt.
1- Set priorities : One of the most important things that i am not good at is setting priorities.When you do things haphazardly without setting an aim and considering what's important and what's not you ALWAYS get disappointed or hurt in the end.So this year include this too while making resolutions.
2- First preference : Second one which i feel is important so far is observe and look as to who should be your first preference.YOUR FAMILY! Yes, your family should be your first preference because your family members are the only ones specially your parents on whom you can count on to  anytime. Others come afterwards. Friends (few close ones) are also included in a family so make sure you make them your utmost priority as they make you their's Everytime.
3-One arm distance : Now this is something that we all need and if not you people i for sure need this.The thing that makes us get disappointed and disheartened Everytime is that we don't keep a distance while making relationships.Its either friends or colleagues.Love everyone.Respect everyone but DONOT ever forget your personal space. Keep some love, affection,time for yourself too.Dont indulge too much into someone that you start forgetting yourself.Its either your best friend or childhood friend or whatever one arm distance should always be there because you never know now a days who's got your back and who's not.
4- What do to and what not to : Another resolution i made for myself is that' ill decide whats important to me and what's not.Sometimes we end up giving importance to things that don't matter and the things that were important are left behind.
5-Expectations: This is something I tell myself not to do every year lol but i always do that that i expect a lot ! and im sure many of you do that.Stop expecting !! If you do that you'll be happy forever trust me.
6-What lifts you up? : Now next resolution im making this year is to see what' lifts me up because this year I  have Been diminuted one way or the other by the people around or the so called friends who on my side wanted to see me rise but actually were pulling my leg . It might had happened with you guys too so Keep a close eye on those who really lift you up and don't let them go because they are your superpower 💥.
7-Whats important in life : This is something we don't realize on time and we miss the chances that could've brought positive changes in life so make sure you know this year what's important and start working on it.
8-Self analysis : We always observe others right? Its either their dressing or their education or whatever we always underestimate people.We always look for their faults and their flaws why don't we start analysing ourselves this year? We all have flaws and Allah has kept them hidden.Fear Allah and observe yourself first before you observe anyone else.See where you stand in life first.
9-Time Management: This is again something im worst at.Time is money people make sure you don't waste it from the upcoming year.
10-Self Control : This is an important resolution i find for myself . If you have got self control you've got everything. Try to conquer the devil from within yourself first.
11- Keep your side safe : They gave you pain this year? They hurt you?They made you feel helpless?They hated you over silly reasons?Its okay people! These are some things they have inside them. Show them love.Show them care.keep your side safe and show them what you have inside you because when you keep negative vibes in you , you can't have inner peace and as i said in my last description that inner peace is everything ,it drains worry.P. s this is I've been doing since long it feels so good 👍
12-What makes me a better person? : Pay heed to the things that make you a better person.Being famous isn't everything but being respected is everything. From next year look as to what makes you a better one💞.
13- Past mistakes : Im the kind of a person who makes a mistake and then ruin the next upcoming time thinking over it instead of learning.I don't want anyone around to do this.Please! Learn from them and just forget !
14- Believing in yourself : No one knows you better than you believe that. Trust your actions. Add this too to your resolutions.
15- Dont Let people down : Make a resolution for the coming year that you'll lift People up. If you can't always help them with money or materialistic things you can atleast motivate them and help them by saying that you're on their side if you need them.This makes a lot of difference.
16-Dont over think : Here I thought of an amazing quote which is "Small things disturb small minds" Decide today that you wont disturb your inner peace over useless things.
17-Let Go : Let go of small happenings that once made you cry or made you feel broken.Decide that from the coming year you will only keep yourself concerned to the things and people who really matter.
18-Faith in HIM : Last but not the least, the most important of all !! Decide that you'll keep your faith in Him and whatever He does even if it breaks you or is tough.Believe that Allah loves you more than Anyone in this entire universe and also that HE is the only best planner of all.💓

NOTE: I hope you People will not find it boring this time ik it's somehow longer than the rest but I've really tried hard to write something better this time.Itd be a matter of pride for me if u just add one resolution to the coming year.I love you so much.You people are my strength without you im nothing .
I wish you a very very happy new year in advance. 💓💓💓💓

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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