Chapter 1 - Turning over a new leaf

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(This story will be ok for any gender, but is aimed for females so sorry if i use more feminine pronouns and options)

It had been a few months since Overwatch had  kicked you out, and today was the day you were supposed to join Talon. You looked at yourself in the mirror. "Calm down, [Y/N]" You told yourself. "It's going to be fine, just act normal.." You tried to calm your nerves, as you worried on what they would think of you... You were worried that if you didn't choose the right clothes and act right, that they would think you are weird, and would kick you out and abandon you like Overwatch did... No. Talon isn't like Overwatch. They wouldn't kick you out for bad things that your ancestors and parents did. It didn't even have anything to do with you, which is why it hurt when they abandoned you. At least you would be making your parents proud now, joining a organisation that isn't a bunch of biased goody two-shoes.  

You stretched, and walked over to the fridge, pulling out some milk, then getting some cereal out of a cupboard. You got a bowl, and made some cereal, and ate it. When you were finished eating your cereal, you went into the bathroom, and washed your face with some soap and water, and a washcloth. You decided to brush your teeth too , since you were already by the sink. You walked over to your wardrobe, and picked out some clothes.(sorry, this will be more of a girl's option, if you are a male, just pretend it is some male clothes)  You picked out a black crop top, black shorts,fishnets, and black boots, since it was quite a warm day even though it was winter. You also decided to put on a over-the-shoulder gun holster so people knew you weren't messing around. You went back to the bathroom, and brushed your [H/L] (hair length) , [H/C] (hair color) hair. You then decided to put on some makeup (Skip this if you are a boy lol) , a simple smokey eye, dark lipstick and some blush. You looked at yourself in the mirror again, thinking to yourself '...Am i ready for this.... will they accept me?' .. You stood there for about 5 minutes, and then decided you needed to stop worrying... You sighed, and walked out of the door, with a spring of confidence in your steps, and headed for Talon's meetup place thingy

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