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time skip to where they hang out cause i'm a lazy ass

cam, we'll be waiting
for you in the library, k?

yea okay,  see ya later

i quickly took a shower and went to my closet, i decided to go with some jeans, a plain white v neck shirt and my white high top converse.
i grabbed my prescription glasses and went downstairs.
"hey mom can i go the library?" i asked my mom who was busy making pancakes,
"yea sure honey" my mom says sweetly before putting some pancakes in my plate
i quickly mutter a thank you and ate my pancakes peacefully, i waved my goodbye and headed off to the library.

i went inside and looked for wyatt and josh, wyatt being the noodle head that he is was not difficult to spot, they seemed to be deep in a conversation.
"hey guys" i say to them before taking a seat next to josh
"hey cam cam, are those prescription glasses?" wyatt asks
"first of all, don't call me 'cam cam' and yes these are prescription glasses" i said proudly.
"ugh, but 'cam' is so boring" josh whines
"well it maybe boring but i like it like that" i fired back
"whatever" wyatt replied while rolling his eyes
i giggled at our little fight and could hear josh and wyatt giggling as well,
"we haven't even been here for 20 minutes and there's already a mess" josh said through fits of giggles
"well that's for calling me 'cam cam'" i replied back

we spent the whole afternoon talking, laughing, complaining, more talking and more laughing.

"shoot, i-i have to get back home, i'll see you guys soon" i quickly said, i waved goodbye at both boys and headed home.
i plopped onto my bed and smiled like an idiot for about 5 hours and recall what happened earlier and snoozed off.

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