The Best I've Ever Had. Chapter One

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The Best I've Ever Had

Chapter one

Even though it was late August the days were still hot in so many ways I mean who wouldn't say this when your entering senior year. Summer went by so freakin fast I want more summer but my wish will not be granted number one I don't have a magic genie and number two school starts tomorrow. Yep I am still that geeky girl who wears princess short shorts to bed that are really meant for fat toddlers every Friday I have a movie night with my friends but I mean when it comes to school I'm not a geek cause I'm not really smart I do flunk math class a lot. I have a big set of green eyes light brown hair about down to my middle back and fair skin with a little tan from summer. The one thing that ruins my kinda cute look is my stupid clinkers otherwise known as my giant glasses. I hate them so much I wish I could just take them off for ever but I can't see two feet in front of me. I've already tried for contacts but my mother can be stubborn a lot. Oh yay and my name is Miranda.

"Can I skip school today mom we can visit the grave," I groaned. No we're doing that after school," my mom replied. "It's your first day of senior year hon you should be excited," my mom added. "And never use that as an excuse to get out of school again," she said in a scolding tone while stomping her feet down the stairs.

I got out of bed and took one look in the mirror. This first day of school was going to be a total mess I could tell by the rats nest my hair was in. I quickly jumped in the shower because my hair was not going to look like this at school. After that I took a quick look at the time and started to blow dry my hair as strait as I could. I put on a cute flower printed short skirt and a white v-neck. It was the perfect look. I threw on some mascara lipgloss purple eyeshadow and sprayed on my perfume.

I ran down the stairs knowing I wouldn't have much time to eat so I grabbed a granola bar and stuffed it into my mouth. I slipped on some cute matching flats and got my backpack on.

The walk to school was like the walk of shame kids were pointing and whispering. I went onto my Wattpad account and tried to get distracted I knew for a fact they were not talking about if I looked good.

Two boys started to walk by as I took my glasses off to rub my eyes stupid pollen. They both looked over at my big green eyes and obviously liked what they saw. They ran over to me like I was a stupid blond cheerleader and asked if they could walk with me. I put my clinkers back on (hope you were paying attention and you know what I am talking about,) and simply said no thank you. After that they both looked at each other in disquiet of even thinking about asking me to even walk with them.

I just kept going on my way to school ignoring everyone's faces that were made to put me down. Finally I got to my high school.

With all the time I had left before class meaning 2 minutes I sat on the bench and finally got some quiet time on my Wattpad account. As I logged on I couldn't wait until I could see the comments on my new story and read the thriller story I was stuck to like glue.

I had only gotten one comment but it was so nice I only wanted one. That's all that I needed. The comment read " What a great story I can so relate to the girl in the story even though I'm a guy lol please write more- Matt H. " I automatically replied "thank you so much and I will write more"
I heard a really loud bell ring and got off the bench shut off my phone and started racing toward the school before the crowd that was swarming toward me.
Before I knew it I was in homeroom listening to the announcements. I heard something on the announcements about cheerleading tryouts so I started to listen closer. I always wanted to be a cheerleader even though most of the cheerleaders I have encountered are assholes. I guess I would try out even though I would probably fail because of my uncoordinated body. My mind was et I was definintly going to try out.
The hallway was so crowded when I was passing to period one. I bumped into this really pretty girl who looked popular. I looked at the ground and mumbled," I'm really sorry." Her reply was," Watch where your going next time bitch." My mouth was wide open. "Yup she is deffinintly popular," I thought to myself. Then something slipped out that I would regret for the rest of the school year...

Thank you to everyone who is keeping up with my story. Sorry I haven't updated for a REALLY longtime I have been sooo busy please comment or vote and I will deffinintly update soon. Hope you all like the cliffhanger and keep reading to learn more about Miranda- Sadie

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