Keith's Twink.

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(Keith x Scottie)

He was on the opposite side of the bar staring off somewhere,  most of his face concealed in  a black scarf.  His eyes ,this odd mix of clear ice crystals  and liquid  blue  ,were disturbed, as they seemed to frown.

He visibly  sighed, leaning forward to rest his chin in his hand. Keith watched him a little longer until he was dragged off by another customer at the end of the bar, since the other bartender on duty  was busy. 

It was one of his regulars.  A flirty brunette girl with big brown eyes, who came every Friday night  and left every Saturday morning with a girl ... and sometimes ,but not often , a guy.  This would be her last drink of the night- A.M. hours....

Keith nodded at her with a slight smirk.

"Apple martini? "

She nodded ,grinning.

It took a minute or two to make the concoction and when he plopped an olive in the glass, he slid it to the  brunette ,she paid for her drink and Keith put the money in the cash register.

He found himself going to the bright eyed boy ,watching him as he closed the space between the two.

The boy unwrapped the scarf from around his face and put it down, he looked around before his eyes landed on Keith's face.  He blushed, averting his gaze to the empty glass in front of him.

"Who gave you this? "Keith pointed to the cup.

One of the boys dark blonde eyebrows rose and he took out a pink  hello kitty wallet and slid something toward Keith wordlessly. 

Keith picked the laminated paper up , it was a state  ID.  Keith searched for a date of birth and  when he read 10-23-1990 he almost choked on his words.

"This isn't real." He stated.

"Sure is." Scottie, that was supposedly the boys name, Keith wasn't too sure.

"So you're telling me you're 24 ,like , honestly.  "


"Then... I need this for verification."

Scottie shrugged."M'Kay."

Keith eyed him a little longer before he spun on his heel and bumped into his coworker, Timmy. 

"Is this real? "He handed it to Timmy.

"Looks it. But we'll scan it to make sure."

Timmy took it to the back while Keith waited. Timmy gave the ID back to Keith, nodding. 

"Its real."

Keith handed back to Scottie. The 24 year old glared at him for a minute then stuffed the card back in his wallet.

"You seem really cool about that,  happens a lot? "

Scottie nodded.  "Except when I drink at gay bars.  I never buy my own drinks. "

"Hm.  Sorry, its just we can't serve minors ,it's against the law. "

"Luckily, you know I'm not a minor so you aren't in trouble with the law. "

"Luckily  you bought your little pink  hello kitty wallet with  your ID." 

Scottie flashed a tiny grin but the smile quickly dissipated. 

"Why the long face? "

"Nothing. Someone I used to know bought this for me."

"Used to know? "

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