👑Perfection in Christ🔥

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So recently I had a very interesting, enlightening and mindblowing conversation with a dear friend of mine. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, she somewhat managed to make me understand more about perfection. I'm talking about spiritual perfection. Perfection in God. Not wordly perfection.

You see, many of us are concerned about physical flaws..right.? But, I think that what we should be focusing on is our internal flaws. Fear, being quick to anger, jealousy, envy, deadly pride, holding grudges, feelings of inferiority and all other similar intellectual demons. These are things that we as Christians should pray for, rather than spending money on fixing our physical appearances, going all out to ensure that you turn heads and catch the hungry eyes of lustful men and women.

Additionally, I have learned, that in Lord God we are definitely perfect. Ofcourse He does not worry or care about our physical appearances. And it is so unfortunate that the world has created these stupid ideologies about how fellow mankind should look. Enough with the looks. What should make people turn heads and be captured by our essence is the pride and humility we show in Christ, the way we engage in this deadly world as believers of the gospel.

Once we open our hearts to Jesus, then we are most definitely perfect in Christ. Why? The Bible says that "You therefore have to be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect."(Matthew 5:48). So in other words, because we have been saved by such an amazing God by the coming of His only Son to save us from sin, we should strive to be spiritually perfect by all means. God wants us to imitate His awesome ways, so that the rest of the world can henceforth follow in too and eventually create a full world that defeats the devil and all his wicked ways.
Now, Ecclesiastes 7:20 says "Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins." Hence, one should understand that no matter how holy we all strive to be, our perfection in Christ lies in the intentions we have. We can preach, but are we preaching to save souls or just for self-gain? Do we pray for sincere things and be satisfied that Lord heard our prayers or do we immediately lose hope after prayer?
Brethrens, there is so much distinction between worldly and spiritual perfection. Spiritual perfection looks at the soul. The heart. How intact is your heart with growing towards Chhrist each day? That is what we should be asking ourselves daily. Have I done something that pleased the Lord today? Have I touched a soul today? Have I put my achievements high up to God's glory? Have I praised Him for giving me another day to live, in this world of toxins, injury, accidents and all other ugly situations that can take my life away?
There are so many questions that we need to be asking ourselves daily so as to see how far we are going in the quest for His Kingdom.
Until then, forget about how the world perceives physical viewing. Because that is all that unsaved mankind, who lacks salvation or the solid knowledge of God's word will ever see. Until they are saved, they will never be fully confident with just smiling and being grateful for the Love that God has for us.
Signing out, Perfect in Christ ValleyDaisy. 🌸❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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