Preference [1]

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How he kisses you*

Lucas: Alright ladies, buckle the fuck up. Lucas is a pro at making out, let's be honest. He knows everything about you and knows just how to get you hot and bothered.

The two of you kiss gently as you're about to leave his house, but when you move to pull away he pulls you close and kisses you: hard. He pulls you're body to his, one hand on your ass and the other on your neck. He slips his hand into you're back pocket as you moan accidentally Into the kiss. He smirks and tugs at the bottom of your hair, which makes your knees go weak. You stumble back and you're back hits the mattress. He's on you instantly, like animal drawn it's food.

"I have to go, Lucas." You breath, digging your nails into his shirt as he kisses down your neck. You feel him kiss your sweet spot and begin to create hickeys. "Fuck Lucas, my dad's gonna flip the fuck out".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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