Chapter 3

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Applejacks POV

 I had to run to Sapphire Jewel's house cause she needed some help with making 3 apple/peach pies. I really didn't want to leave Pinkie and Twilight but duty called, and I have always loved helping Jewel with baking.

I knocked on the door to her house and I heard her yell "come in!"

"Hey Jewel! Sorry I'm late, I was at Sugarcube corner with Pinks and Twi." 

"Hey darling! It's ok, I'm glad you got here cause I will be having two lovely girls staying here all summer! Jewel said

"What really!!?" I'm so happy cause I was hoping a girl my age was coming. I loved meeting new people. 

"They'll be here in 2 hours so we have to get these pies going!" She was already walking to the kitchen.

I have always loved her house. It was a beautiful 2 story house with light brown hardwood floors and light grey walls. She had beautiful paintings of forests lined up on the walls.(I will put pictures in the authors note so you can see the paintings) Her kitchen was a light pink color with  a white marble island in the middle. It almost looked like a modern country house, but she liked calling it the rustic home. 

"Hey Aj, can you put that pie in the oven for me? She asked kindly

"Wait Jewel you forgot the cinnamon on the top!" I brought the pie to her and she sprinkled cinnamon on the top and I put it in the oven. 

"Do you need me to stir the apples and peaches?" I grabbed the wooden spoon from the counter and started stirring.

"Hey Aj, pour the apples and peaches in that white pan that's holding the bottom part of the pie." Jewel said over her shoulder. She had white flour all over her face and she was cracking an egg in the bowl. 

I walked over to the unfinished pie, picked it up, and sat it by Jewel so she could  finish it. She put the dough on top and gave it to me to put it in the oven. 

"Only one more pie to go!" I said while watching the pie. I was getting pretty hungry.

1 hour later

One pie is out of the oven cooling off, it smelled so good. My mouth was watering.

"Hey Applejack can you grab 4 knives and forks for me! I need to get this pie out before it burns." I walked quickly to the drawer and got what she told me to get.

"Hey Jewel, why the extra? You know it'll be y'all 3, right?"

"Applejack!! You really think you wouldn't get any?" I blushed, I didn't know I would get any.

"Aww thanks Jewel. You want me to get the pie that's cooling off?" I'm hoping that's the one we get to eat, it looks so good.

"Go ahead!" She said while getting the 3rd one out of the oven. I got the pie and started cutting it into slices. I got my knife and scooped it onto my plate and got another and put it on Jewels plate. I tried waiting patiently for her, I couldn't sit still in my seat.

"Go ahead Applejack, you can start eating." I took a bite. The apples were just right and the peaches were perfect. Believe me it tastes much better than it sounds. I tasted the sweet cinnamon and the whipped cream on top. It was so good. 

"Thanks so much Jewel for letting me taste test for ya" I smiled brightly 

"Oh course! Now you take that pie to your friends. They'll love it!" She smiled at me.

I took the pie and walked outside when a red mustang pulled up. A girl with beautiful purple hair rolled down the window. Her eyes were a beautiful teal blue and her cheek bones were so prominent. She was gorgeous. I waved at her shyly and she looked at me like she was in awe. I blushed and started walking to SugarCube corner. 

Rarity's POV

She was gorgeous I thought. I blushed at the thought and opened the car door. I could still see her and her hair was in a high ponytail with a hat. I didn't know I was lesbian and liked country girls.

A women opened the door. Her hair was  blue with a black zigzag line, she was wearing a orange v neck shirt with blue jeans. I'm guessing that was Jewel. She had a good fashion taste even though the orange was like really bright. 

"Rarity? Is that you?" Jewel had a really deep, strong voice. 

"Yes ma'am. Hi I'm Rarity!" Dammit she already knew that. I looked at her with an embarrassed look on my face. 

I shook her hand then saw sweetie running out of the car and hugged Jewel. 

"Sweetiebelle is that you?" She asked her, it looked like she was about to cry

"Yep and you must be Jewel!" She said with excitement 

"Yes, I'm Sapphire Jewel. But y'all can call me Jewel." She was tall with a perfect body. She looked like she was our age but really she was 25. 

"Y'all get your bags and come inside!" Mother was honking her horn at us to get our bags. 

"Coming mother!" We ran and got our bags. I had a bit of a struggle getting my 2 large suitcases and a purple duffle bag. 

"Bye mother! See you at the end of summer!" We waved at her and she drove off. She actually looked...sad. 

Why? I thought


Hello guys! I hope y'all are liking the book so far. Don't worry I'll update soon! Here's some of  the pictures that Jewel has in her house.⤵️⤵️

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They're beautiful aren't they? 

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They're beautiful aren't they? 

I do NOT own any pictures used in this book unless stated. 

Love you guys!



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