Ch 1:A New Friend

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*Zane's POV*

  Another year, another summer. Aphmau is hosting another party for the beginning of summer. I put on my casual black hoodie and my black mask, and I'm out the door. I walk down the street and soon reach Aph's house.

I knock on the door. It open to a short, black haired girl, greeting me. "Zane! Glad you could make it!" She said with a smile. "Well I had nothing else to do Aph." I say. I walk in to see only Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan chatting to each other and Aaron cooking in the kitchen.

  I go over and take a seat on the couch.
People keep coming, but no one acknowledges that I'm here. Well besides Aphmau and Garroth, but they were in their own conversation.

  After some time a boy with white hair came over and sat down next to me.
"Hey Zane, how are you in joying the party?" He says

  "Hey Travis, I guess it's alright, haven't really talked to anyone." I say

  "Really? I thought you would have at least talked with Aph or Garroth by now." He says

  "Well they did say hello but they have their own friends to talk to, and I'm just here."

Alone. Friendless.

  "Well now you have someone to talk to now." Travis says with a smile. "This leads my to think if you haven't talk to anyone in this party, do you talk or hang out with anyone outside of Aphmau?"

  "....No" I say. I felt almost embarrassed saying it, but then he says "Give me your phone. I'll give you my number so we can chat and maybe hang out if you want"

  I take out my phone and give it to him. He puts in his number and gives my phone back. We talk for the rest of the party until we shad to leave.
  Travis offers to walk me home and I let him. "So Zane do you live with anyone?" Travis asks

"No it's just me..." I say "If someone did live with me it would most likely be Aphmau."

"I see. Well at least you don't have to worry about any roommates annoying you." Travis says. We reach my house and we say our goodbyes. "If you ever want to talk you have my number." Travis says as he walks away.

  I close the door and went upstairs to get ready for bed. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, I can't stop thinking about him. He was so nice and funny, he didn't exclude me, unlike everyone else in my life. I could feel heat on my face. I want to be near him and talk to him more.

What is this feeling?

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