High School.

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She wasn't a social girl, Mia , that's what they called her at least. Her real name was Mianna . She only had a few friends, but they were close. Her friends included people she had known for her whole life, to people she met yesterday. She wouldn't consider herself as a popular girl, but she was.

Mia always knew she was well-known. She never considered herself to be one of the top kids on the food chain at her school. She was in 9th grade, she mostly got A's except for a few B's here and there.

She had never had a boyfriend. She thought she was pretty, but not pretty enough. A little self confidence couldn't hurt, right?

She woke up early and checked her calendar, November second, 2013. She rolled out of bed. She quickly got ready, curling her hair and doing her makeup. She usually had a wing on her eyeliner and had copious amounts of mascara on. She was never confident without it.

She ran downstairs for some food which usually consisted of mini powdered donuts and a glass of peach Snapple. She wasn't the healthiest, but was a twig and never seemed to gain weight.

The doorbell rang. She glanced at the clock, 8:17. It must've been her friend, Lia, who came over every morning. Occasionally, her friend Maya came over, but she wasn't too fond of her.

She opened the door.

"Heyyy gurll" Lia said, after Mia opened the door.

"Hey!" Mia exclaimed and locked the door behind her.

"We better get going, we might miss the bus." Lia said.

Lia unlocked the door and Mia held it open. They both stepped out and Mia called to her mom,

"BYE MOM." And her mom replied with a basic 'goodbye'.

Mia locked her house door and Lia and herself walked their normal route to the bus stop. When they arrived they noticed someone they despised, Katie. She had been extremely rude to them and always told on them for the stupidest things, such as standing up on the bus.

The bus finally arrived and they sat down, riding to the next bus stops, as they were the first.

They picked up the rest of the kids and one of Mia's best friends got on.

"Hey Mia" Lilly said.

"Hey" Mia replied.

They drove the rest of the way to school and got to their classes as quickly as possible, as the bus had been two minutes late. She rushed into her first hour, social studies. As the day went on she went to language arts, then lunch. After lunch she hurried to math, science then spanish. One of her electives, her other being drama.

As she headed out, back on the bus, one of her friends, Troy, spun her around.

"Hey, kik me later okay?" He said, smiling. Kik was a messaging system people used instead of text.

She smiled and replied "Okay." And laughed. She liked Troy but he had a girlfriend.

When she got home she was alone, as always. She ran upstairs to her room and took out her homework. She started with Spanish, as it was easiest for her. Then she proceeded to Algebra and she was done.

She pulled out her phone and messaged Troy on kik.


He almost immediately messaged her back.

"Hey(: I have a realllly important question to ask."

"Anything." She messaged back. This usually happened every day.

"Who do you like?" She was taken back by the question. She liked Troy, HIM.

She decided to avoid the question.

"What? I like everyone(:"

"Come on Mia."

"Finnnnneee. Umm."



"Come on. You can trust me."

"Why do you ask??"

"I need to know."

She finally cracked, she didn't want to be annoying.

"Fine" she started. She decided to lie and mention a boy in all of her classes, who happened to be his best friend. " I like Leo. Okay?"

"Are you serious." He said. She made a mistake. Leo was cute and nice but he had just gotten out of a relationship of 7 months. She broke up with him, I had heard it was because he kissed her.

"You can't say ANYTHING." She said, hoping to cover it up.

"Oops." He replied.

"I'm going to kill you." She had never really talked to Leo before.

"Hey.. Leo thinks you're beautiful and really likes you. He wanted me to ask you...." Oh. My. God.

":/" She sent back to Troy.

"His kik is leo1051. Just talk to him."

She sent him a message.

"Hey" She said to Leo.

He messaged back immediately.

"Hey((:" She didn't know how to start a conversation so she just replied

"What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just talking to you.(: what about you?"

"Same. (:"

"Hey, um I am so sorry about this, I know we just started talking but I have to go to bed." She looked at the clock 10:32. " I'm sorry. I have baseball in the morning. I'll talk to you tomorrow? Is that okay?"

"Of course, sorry for messaging you so late" she replied.

"Ill never be bothered by you. Goodnight ❤️" he replied.

"Goodnight" she replied, lacking a heart at the end. She immediately screenshotted the message and send it to Troy.

"You didn't ❤️❤️❤️ BACK?!?" He said.

"No?? Should I??"

"YES! That's like getting completely rejected to a guy!" Troy said. She quickly returned a simple "❤️" to Leo.

"THERE HAPPY???" She said to Troy.

"Very. Night(:" he said.

"Night. " she replied.

She laid down and quickly fell asleep.

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