Arthur gets a Black Eye and Some Sense

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This oneshot is dedicated to MerlinDevotee who gave me the suggestion of Giuas giving Arthur a black eye. I hope you like it!! 💙💙💙

Giuas hadn't seen Merlin for about a day and a half now. He was getting worried that maybe Merlin had gotten into some type of trouble last night but didn't rule out the possibility that he just left early to help Arthur out.

As he walked the corridor to Arthur's room, he got a real bad feeling. A feeling of impending doom but also like forthcoming peace. It was hard to explain. A feeling like this is the end but that's okay.

When he reached the door, he gently opened it. He heard Arthur say, "You're supposed to be in the dungeons. What are you doing here?"

"Sire?" was all Giuas said and Arthur turned around with an expression of hatred. "Where's Merlin?"

"He's in the dungeons." Arthur tells him with a stern voice.

"And why is that, sire?" Giuas asks as calm as always.

"He has magic Giuas but I think you already knew that."

"Indeed. Did he tell you of all the times that he's saved you with it?"

"Yes. He explained everything at his trial earlier at which we did not invite you for in your case personal feelings would be involved."

"So what's his sentence?" Giuas asks cautiously.

"He's to be beheaded come sunrise." Arthur states with all seriousness.

Giuas feels the anger rage up up and before he knows what he's doing, he punches Arthur straight in the eye. When he pulls back and looks, he thinks 'that's going to leave a mark. Good'.

Arthur looks absolutely lost. He's never seen Giaus get this angry let alone hit someone. "Why did you do that? I could have you beheaded, too, you know."

"I was trying to knock some sense into you, sire, but it seems that you're incapable of having sense."

"How dare you-" Arthur starts but is cut off by Giuas magically closing his mouth shut. Giuas secretly thanks the gods that he still remembered how to perform that spell.

"How dare you, Arthur Pendragon. All Merlin has ever done is work his arse off for you and I or save your sorry arse from some new threat every five seconds. Not to mention, have the issues would have never been issues if you listened to him in the first place. Now you and I both know that you do not think Merlin is evil in the slightest bit so you shall go down to the dungeons as soon as I leave and release him. If he's not out in an hour, I will personally wage war against Camelot and without me or Merlin, you're all done for when it comes to magic. Oh and I expect a fully apology to him with maybe even a day off. He deserves it. More than you'll ever deserve him." Giuas lectures Arthur occasionally spitting at him. He walks out the room and releases his hold on Arthur's mouth.

Arthur is sat there dumbfounded for about ten minutes before he realizes how much he actually messed up. Then he jumps up and runs to his drawers for his keys to the magic holding cell that Merlin is in.

He rushes through the castle until he gets to his destination. Merlin's cell. He looks over at Merlin and sees he's in a sleep like state as he fumbles with the keys. Once the key is in, quickly unlocks the gated door and sprints to Merlin. He unlocks and throws the manacles that Merlin had on.

Merlin knew he was weak and wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer. The magic absorbing cell and cuffs were draining his life force, magic. As he heard someone running down the stairs he closed his eyes. He heard the fumbling of keys right before everything went black and couldn't feel anything.

He knew he shouldn't have told Arthur. He knew he wasn't ready but he did so he'll reap the consequences. It just kind of flowed into their conversation. Arthur said, "Not all sorcerers may be bad," and Merlin replied, "Well am I bad?" Arthur said, "No but you're also not a sorcerer." Merlin replied quietly to he point he thought he couldn't be heard, "You don't know how wrong you are." Arthur turned his back on Merlin who was cleaning his armor that had a terrible spot of rust on it that he doesn't know how it got there. Merlin quickly chanted some words and the spot was gone but not before Arthur turned around and saw his eyes change from gold to blue. Next thing Merlin knew was that he was in the dungeons.

He felt like his doom was coming but he was glad. He was glad that Arthur knew everything even if it ended in this. He felt like he could be free even for just a little while. No more hiding or secrets.

Arthur was frantic. Merlin wouldn't wake up. He picked Merlin up and ran him to Giuas's chambers where Giuas looked him over. He stated that the cell and manacles drained Merlin and would take a few hours for him to wake up. Arthur decided that he should be there when it happened.

He waited until it was well past dark and Merlin finally woke up. He sat up groggily and said, "I still have my head."

Arthur practically threw himself onto Merlin apologizing. He gave him TWO days off even. Merlin accepted his apology, of course. He still loved the prat.

When Arthur was finally reassured of Merlin's forgiveness, he sat back and that is when Merlin saw his eye. Merlin reached up to stroke his eye, "What happened to you?"

"Giuas knocked some sense into my head."

Merlin looked at him, then Giuas, and then him again before busting up laughing.

"I'm never going to live this down, am I?"Arthur asked already knowing the answer.

"Of course not, you prat."

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