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Aurora's P.O.V.

We arrived at hell. Oh, I meant school oops. Yeah no I didn't. The sight was sickening to look at. "Turn around." I folded my arms across my chest.

"What?" Cameron asked.

"I said turn around. I don't want to go in." I said.

"Haha. Very funny. Get your shit and get out of my car." He said throwing my stuff at me and pushing me out of his car.

I sighed sitting at the nearest bench as I looked around. The place was chaotic. Immature wannabe athletes were throwing a football around. Girls running over to each other, screaming. Guys flirting with girls. Yuck. I definetly don't fit in.

"Aurora!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I look up being greeted by my best friend, Luna.

"Luna!!" I instantly hugged her feeling less anxious and uncomfortable. Being lonely makes me feel like that. But I've gotten used to it over the years.

I took in a look at Luna. She was undeniably gorgeous. No doubt about that. I've always been jealous of her. She had the perfect body, perfect skin, the most beautiful blonde hair. She was perfect. She was blessed to have good genes and to be in a financially stable family.

"Aur-Oh hey there, Luna." Cameron comes over directing his attention towards her as soon as he noticed she was here.

"Hey, Cam.." Luna said blushing while she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, lowering her gaze.

"So.. My sorority is throwing a party on Friday. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" He asked scratching the back of his neck nervously.

My eyes diverted back and forth between the two. They clearly have a thing for each other. Which makes me think, why can't I have that with someone?

"Can Aurora come with me?" She asked pointing her thumb at me.

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever." He says grabbing her hand, planting a kiss on the back of it. I made a gagging noise and pointed my index finger into my mouth.

They both looked at me weirdly. I quickly fixed my posture and continued walking with Luna into the school.

All eyes were on us. The boys staring at Luna as if she were a piece of meat. While, the girls envied her. As soon as they saw me, they laughed at me, calling me names.

Thankfully, our lockers were next to each other this year. We looked at each others schedule finding, we only had P.E and Chemistry together. However, we did have the same study hall period.

Senior year should be relatively easy considering I had most of my classes done. Luna however, decided to slack off last year so she has to make up a few classes this year.

Lunch came around and my anxiety started acting up because, I couldn't see Luna. And I forgot my lunch money. "$2.41, please." The cashier said.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to bring my money." I said trying to avoid her gaze.

"You better bring it tomorrow." She said and I nodded wanting to shrink into a tiny corner.

"You can skip in front of me, Luna." Cameron said allowing Luna get in the front of the line.

Her eyes found me and she waved. I waved back as I waited for her to get her food. We both tried to find a.table when Cameron stopped us, well her.

"Hey Luna, you can come sit at my table if you want." Cameron offered.

Luna looked back at me mouthing, 'Sorry' before walking off with my brother. I looked around for a seat, spotting one next to a table of girls. Perfect, maybe I can make some friends.

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