1| His Private Girlfriend

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Chapter One [Part-1]

      Molly opened her eyes when the sound of the alarm blared up. She turned to her left and checked on Adrian. As what she expected; Adrian sleeping like a baby, not a bit bothered by the alarm. She got up and switched off the alarm, prepared her coffee and proceeded with her morning rituals.

Adrian had a basketball practice with his team the other day. She was surprised when she came home and saw him sprawled on her bed; fully clothed. She bet that his team went to a bar after practice and had more than they were allowed. She ignored her irritation and pulled off his shoes, not bothering to wake him up. He was never a morning person and by the looks of it, he will not be up before noon.

She cooked eggs and sausage for their breakfast, saved a plate for him and ate alone. After brushing her teeth, she checked her makeup, went by the bed and planted a kiss on his cheek. Adrian stirred but did not wake up; he rolled on his stomach and continued to sleep. She wore her black pumps and gathered her things quietly.

Kat waited for her at the lobby of Vogue Magazine. Molly greeted her with a smile.

“Hey sweetie” Kat said as she hugged her “Where’s my hottie?” she asked referring to Adrian.

Kat is madly infatuated with Adrian from the moment she laid her eyes on him. Unfortunately, her jealous boyfriend Ethan would not let her get close to him.

“He’s home, probably asleep.” Molly replied nonchalantly. Not wanting to give Kat a reason to suspect on.

“I bet he’s super cute when he sleeps” Kat squealed.

“Yea, I bet he does” she answered as Kat helped her with the files she was carrying.

“If I could just kiss him” Kat said dreamingly.

“Yea, Yea. Can we stop talking about your lustful plans for Adrian?” she joked as they entered the glass doors.

“You mad Molly?” Kat asked teasing. She paused and gave her a grin then continued “Everybody knows you secretly like him too.”

“No I don’t.” she denied quickly. Turning around and eyeing potential eavesdroppers.

“Yes you do.” Kat insisted on.

“You’re just saying that Kat” she disagreed as they entered the elevator.

“I bet he likes you too Molly.” Kat said with a grin; she pressed our floor on the side panel.

“No he does not, so stop making up stories Kat.” Molly said with a laugh.

They stepped out on their floor and saw Hunter coming out the door. He gave her a flirtatious smile and greeted her. “Morning Molly”

“Morning Hunter” she replied as they walked into their office. Kat opened the blinds and dropped herself on the couch.

“Have you seen the way Hunter looked at you?” Kat asked as she applied her lip gloss. “Adrian looks at you the same way too; like a love-sick-puppy” she continued with a giggle.

His Private Girlfriend (#1)Where stories live. Discover now