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Hi guys i know im not that good but please vote and read and if they are any complains do not hesitate to text me okay.. and the first peoply that read my story shoit oit to all of you and thanks..😙😚

Lexis p.o.v
     After all the drama and arguements we finally arrive at were the event was taking  place , we all enter and i am not seized to being amazed i had to admit the rich had some good advantages. As soon as my parents went to greet some of the guest mich saw some of her friends and went over and that leaves me alone again, I spot a table thats free I walk over there and sit down, i take out my phone and start texting tori....
    The spot i was in was beginning yo get dark until i looked up and gues who i saw..... just the right bitch to ruin my day and its not like its not  already ruined just to make it worse.
   " Hey there is my little bitch right girls" she says while flipping her hair to her side with her group of girls or or should i say slut copies. I choose not to mind her and continue on texting tori,"HEY im talking to you or cat got your tongue this time huh yeah i know your just the little bitchy daughter of the Macoys yeah thats right i know about your little family issue and its really getting fun i hear..... hey im talking to you" she says while shoving my head and pushing me in all directions ohhh how i want to send this bitch straight to the black hole she crawled out from."Maybe she's scared that her mom might chop her head off if she spills right sweety" one of mia's   minions blurt out while the other ones laughive had it i stand up and give mia a warm welcome by placing my hands on her cheek she just stsnds there shocked as if it boosts my confidence i start speaking my mind "I've had it with you mia,its enough could you please im saying pls stop pestering my life for once live your own life leave mine i know i have a lot to fix up in my life and thats tge more reason you should leave me alone find someone your own match im not at all i dont look like some bitch you could fucking push around i have my own fuckedup rights okay so just back off im warning you" as soon as I'm done i grab my things and leave,leaving everyone in shock at my sudden outburst then i noticed that a small crowd formed around us and thank God mom or dad was not part of it and why wont i get angry she insulted me that asshole......" ouchh watch it are you blind or just stupid" i say while i bumped into somebody that had let me say the body of a brick  while rubbing my head to relieve the pain...
   "And is that anyway to greet someone a friend in fact" he says i just brush what he says off then i realize who owns that voice OMG its him what do i do uhhmm think fast.As if noticing my sudden stiffness" i think the first thing you should do is raise your head" he say while placing his hands on my chin and making my face look directly at him,"Uhmmm hey b..rett how did you get here and when cause i dint even notice oh and sorry about my sudden outburst just some asshole changing colours so...." i tell him while he just stsnds there running his habds through his hair and God please help me he was hot.
   " yeah i saw the little show she put on and how you handled it top notch" he says while giving me a thumbs up and for the record that was the only thing that has made me smile through  out this night." so do wanna go somrwhere.....i mean somewhere away from all this drama" Brett says bringing out his hands that is obviously indicating me to hold it i was confused for a second and then i was like WTF im going to hold brett's hands like I'm going to touch brett jackson i quickly snap out if it figuring it was riring holding your hand out for so long so i held his hands and he led the way.For a moment i thought the sudden chsnge in brett's ways were wierd from first grade till like my finsl year he doesnt recognise me and then suddenly he decides to talk to me........I  was cut off by the beautiful view i had before i left bretts hands sn ran to the hmend of the rooftop and took in all the beautiful lights i could see "gosh brett this is beautiful and its soo cool who owns this place its so perfect" i stand there staring at the beautiful lights before my eyes" My dad owns the place he bought it when I was a kid, this was actually my secret place untill this event was held and a certain someones mom insisted on this was the perfect place for the event and thats how they ended up invading the place" he says as he reaches were i am and we stand side by side.
   "ohh yeah sorry about that my mom can get pretty demanding sometimes Why didn't you people just say no but i must admit my mom has good taste this place is beautiful" i say while facing him." i tell you it was prettier when i was in charge ,when i was here you would see a vending machine over there a game section food section and all you could ever ask or wish for so now tell me didnt that look like fun" he says wiggling his eyebrows which make me smile."It sounds like an all boys all you can live with for the rest of your life room yeah thats how its sounds" i say walking over to the bench that's at the other side of the roof,I finally get to my destination and sit down hoping he would be right beside me but no he's at the same spot looking directly at me " Whats wrong is something on my face huh bret" i say checking if any thing was actually on my face but nothing " macoy" i turn as he calls me but this time his tone is more calm and relaxing,"for now just your smile  keeps me going" he says and turns around now facing the view wait he said my smile keeps him going i could feel my cheeks getting redder by the second but what did he mean by for now..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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