the ishvalin war

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the wide spread command came out to many soldiers and state alchemist to head to ishval under a extermination command was released . sanushi walked behind the rows of soldiers a hood covering her face and white gloves covered the transmutation circles on the back of her hands . she looked up to the scorching sun and sighed they were almost to ishval and she was ready, she scanned the crowed seeing a few familiar faces she seen Roy mustang the flame alchemist and riza hawkeye a remarkable sniper, and then she seen the very familiar face of solf j kimblee the crimson alchemist . 

it wasn't long till the silhouette of the city was in sight and she made her way wordlessly through the crowed .she was to enter the city first so she bolted into the streets dropping the hood and removing the gloves before wordlessly snapping her fingers shooting bolts of electricity through civilians. a sick smile forming on her face when she heard gunshots and she made her way deeper into the the heart of the city to a hospital and smiled walking in . she looked at the faces of hundreds of scared ishvalins and laughed as she quickly slaughtered them all blood coated the walls of the building along with her clothes the charred bodies laying everywhere .

she then heard the bell to break and made her way to the checkpoint to see roy and riza sitting together talking "hey guys are you having as much fun as me"

roy looked up a disgusted look on his face" how could you call this fun we are killing innocent people while doing this"

Sanushi laughed " there is no innocents in this world for you see roy in this world its kill or be killed and i happen to really enjoy the killing part"

roy sighed annoyed "your no better then kimblee over there you both have to much fun with this "

kimblee grinned standing up and walking over "its not just that its fun roy its a work of art each explosion i create and each bolt of lightning this one forms is a part of a beautiful symphony of destruction "

sanushi looked up at kimblee sighing mentally she cared deeply for the alchemist but was to afraid to tell him she knew that if he didnt feel the same it would just make there friendship akward. she then felt a hand on her shoulder and snapped back to reality "sorry i was thinking"

kimblee looked at her a bit skeptical "well you better focus on the battle field we are teamed up we are taking on the center of the city in ten minutes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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