Chapter Four

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*A/N: Hello everyone sorry it took me a bit to write this but it's the holidays and I have been spending it with my family I apologize for the lateness of this chapter and thank you so much for the votes that this book got anyways enough with my ramblings enjoy the chapter.


The next morning Shai was already at Nana's House helping her out she got there pretty earlier then Ona she wanted to leave her alone for a bit to let her sleep Ona showed up about an hour later she went straight to cleaning and getting things ready with Nana "Shai? Is everything alright in there?" Nana called into the kitchen "yes Nana I'll be out with the next load in just a second go set the tables please?" Shai was stirring the pot for a quick second she grabs the other things that were on the table walking out of the kitchen setting things down on the table outside a few people were coming into the back yard this was a family barbecue but to her it's nothing but bikers and workers from the shop Shai was talking to Nana when a handsome young man wrapped his arms around her Shai stepped back a bit letting them hug "Oh my baby I saw you yesterday" she giggles then looked at Shai and smiled "Shai this is one of my grandsons he is the youngest one" the man looked at Shai and smiled "my name is Rene lovely to meet you" Shai smiled and nods her head "the pleasure is mine" Nana punches Rene in the stomach which made him buckle slightly "Where is the older twin brother?" Rene sighs standing straight "he said he will be late I'll go call him I'll be back in a minute" Shai looked at Nana giggling "remind me never to get on your bad side now I'll be in the kitchen finishing up the gumbo" Shai walked away going to the kitchen continuing with the cooking.

{No ones POV}

Rene walked around the corner of the house taking out his phone calling his brother Remy he sighed softly as he starts to pace back and forth then finally a voice answered the call "what do you want Rene?" Rene stopped his pacing and chuckling "you need to come to the barbecue bro like now" Remy growled "I told you I was busy today.... tell Nana I said I'll be there when I can alright now goodbye" Rene chuckles again "ok I guess you don't want the babe you were looking for? I'll just go hook up with her myself then" Remy went silent for a quick second until finally "she is there? Next time why don't you lead with that.... hey Leo can you cancel all of my meetings from today and for the next two weeks.... I'll be there in 10 do not disappoint me Rene" Rene smiled as he turns around turning on FaceTime "look" He turned the camera around showing a woman in the kitchen cooking her long blonde hair wasn't hard to miss Remy smiled "alright be there in 10" Rene nods hanging up his phone he walked back to his grandmother with a smile "you better have news telling me your brother is coming as well" Rene smiles "grandmeré you have little faith I showed him that Shai is here he will be here in 10" he smiled at his grandmother walking away going to his biker family giving them all a hug before getting something to eat.


Shai was cleaning up the kitchen taking out the gumbo first setting it on the table going back waiting for the pie to finish she picked it up turning around heading to the door when she accidentally hit someone the lie went flying it landing on the ground and so did she she fell on her butt she grabs the rag on her shoulder "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention" she got up off the ground going to the kitchen grabbing paper towels coming back cleaning up the mess the guy didn't move so she continued to clean he grabbed the paper towels from her hand getting down as well cleaning up the mess as well "no need to be sorry chér it was my fault as well" she looked up seeing who it was she gasps softly "your the guy from the club...." the guy turned his head looking at her "ah aren't you the girl who kissed me?" Shai blushed brightly and locked down finishing the spot that needed to be cleaned "thank you for the help" once she finished they both heard "oh lord what happened here?" They both looked up at the owner of the voice the both heard "I accidentally dropped my pie when I bumped into him Nana" she smiled "it's alright darling but it's nice of you to help Remy" he stood up going over to Nana giving her a tight hug "hello Grandmeré I do hope you are healthy" Nana nods her head "anyway have you met my wonderful pie maker Shai?" Remy nods his head "we met before this grandmeré" Shai nods her head dusting herself off "this is the grandson I wanted to introduce to you before Shai both of you should get to know each other alright?" Shai shook her head "no Nana I'm just head to help" Nana looked at her and narrowed her eyes "go I got it from here" that's when Ona came around the corner blinking slightly "did I miss something?" We all heard a chuckling coming from the door way "no chér it's just a family matter I do need to speak to you though Ona can I steal you for a while?" Ona nods softly "sure Rene let me put things up then I'll be with you" Shai was confused 'how did they know each other?' She thought but shrugged "alright Nana I got not much to do anyways" Nana smiles as she walked away leaving Remy and Shai alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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