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"Gem, wake up" My dad nudges me. "We're here."

I groan and let out a long awaited stretch. I barely get out of the car when he starts loading my arms with boxes.

" Mark, she's a teenage girl, not a body builder." My mom said, sounding annoyed. She reaches for the big box of books on top.

 The walk up the long, red brick driveway with these heavy boxes sure made me feel like a body builder.

 I didn't like having to move, but this house was beautiful. It was easily triple the size of our old house in New York. It had a comforting vibe. The cream white siding is warped in all the right places. Brown framed windows gradually become smaller as they reach one small window in the attic. Big crimson colored doors await us.

I walk up the steps behind my parents, struggling to keep the boxes in my arms for much longer. When we finally get inside, i drop the boxes to the floor and rub my strained wrist.

"Welcome! You must be the Olsen family." I hear a cheery voice say. I look up and see a sharply dressed, middle aged woman with a smile plastered on her face. She seemed nervous. Her platinum blonde hair is cut sharply up to her chin. She reaches her arm out to my parents so fast, she could have ripped the sleeve off of her black tailored suit. Who is this lady?

"Yes, we are. My name is Caroline, and this is my husband Mark".

"Pleasure to meet ya'll, Call me Hayden. I cant wait to show you the updates that have been made. Since your last visit, the kitchen has been renovated, and all the carpets have been reinstalled." She waves her hand, signaling my parents to follow her.

Oh, she must have been a realtor.

I stayed behind to explore on my own. This all happened so fast, I never even had the chance to see the house before.

Surrounding me is beautiful, earth-toned, paisley wallpaper, giant picture frames, and vintage furniture. I can tell everything in this house has a story to tell. My eye spots a giant golden framed mirror on the wall. Its so aged, so beautiful. I reach out my hand to touch it. As my fingers ever so slightly come in contact with the glass, something hits the floor.


Did i really break something already? Is this even officially our house yet?

A small picture lays on the floor next to my feet. That must've been what fell from behind the weird mirror. What the hell is it?

It's aged like its from the 1800's, but its in colored ink. I cant quite make out the date on the bottom of the picture. It's either from '98 or '08. The closer I look at this picture, the harder it becomes to see. Its like a weird optical illusion.

I flip it to the side, and finally realize what im looking at. Its a family picture, but no ones face is visable anymore, except for a pair of eyes. I couldn't tell if the oxidation on the picture made these eyes so beautiful, or if they were already like this. They were a smouldering grey. So bright and dark at the same time. Almost unreal looking.

I hear Hayden's high heels clicking back towards the front door with my parents. I quickly fold the picture up and put it in my jean pocket. I dont know why I saved it.

"Well, I think thats everything we need to see. Thank you again for coming back to show us the changes." My dad says. He's got that flirty tone in his voice, like the one he gets when he talks to the checkout girl in the supermarket. He's fucking sick.

"Not a problem at all Mr. Olsen. If you have anymore questions, feel free to call me. Heres my card." Her tone is overly nice.

I couldn't see my moms face, but I knew she had to be rolling her eyes.

Hayden finally leaves, my Dad shuts the door behind her.

"Well? Do you like it?" My dad asks, with a cheery little kid voice.

"Of corse. Its bigger than I thought."

"Well theres 4 bedrooms. Pick whichever one you want, sweetie." He leans over and kisses my forehead.

My Mom chimes in. " Who wants lunch? I can make sandwiches."

"Sure, mom."

"I'll come help, dear." My dad leaves the room.

They seem to be in a good mood. It's weird, but comforting.

Once again, I'm left on my own to explore the vast expanse of this museum-like house. There's a giant staircase in front of me, leading upstairs to all the bedrooms I assume. Each step is draped with a beautiful red carpet.I walk up the stairs, slowly, observing the soul of every creak the steps make. When i reach the top, what seems like 100 doors line the walls of the hallway. This house is seriously huge.

I make a right, and one by one, I peek inside every room.

Theres a giant bathroom, An office, A bedroom, and another bedroom. I reach for the final door on the right side of the hallway, but it's locked. The only access I have to the inside of this room is through a dime-sized hole towards the upper part of the door. I stand on my tippy toes and stick my eye against the hole. Nothing. All i see is grey. A dark grey. Its got waves and stripes in it though. I cant figure out what it is.

"Gemma, lunch is ready!" My mom yells from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming." I answer.

 I take my face away from the door. I turn around, and the picture from my back pocket lays on the floor. Peircing grey eyes stare at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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