《° Prologue °》

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Born as an omega, Eren Yeager's life wasn't easy. There were places he couldn't go and things he couldn't do because of his dynamic. He was bullied and pushed around, told he was useless and weak, or that he would never be higher than the trash that littered the dark alleys in his town. He was denied rights, and luxuries. Denied high class education and jobs. But did he ever let that stop him? Hah, as if.

Eren may have been an omega but his personality and mien said other wise. He was rebellious, stubborn, fierce, hot headed. . . . the exact opposite of what an omega should be.

While omegas bowed their head in submission, Eren held his head up high. While omegas cowered, Eren fought. While omegas casted their gazes down, Eren's glowed with a threatening look that held the promise of pain. While omegas were walked over like dirt, Eren stood his ground. While omegas showed weakness, Eren showed dominance and emitted an aura that told others back off. I am not weak.

His fierce, defiance attitude called forth lot's of attention. From omegas, to betas to alphas. While omegas looked to him with looks of admire and slight respect (others thought he was bat-shit crazy), alphas looked at him with scowls and fury.

He got most more hate than support. But that didn't deter anything. He would kick ass if needed. And if anyone thought they could try and force him into submission, all hell would break loose. 

Eren could recall the first time he discovered that he was no ordinary omega.

He had been young, around five or so, and had been playing in the park with his toy cars while his mother sat on a nearby bench, chatting with a woman. 

While innocently playing with his cars (well not innocently per se, he had made them crash and explode), Eren felt the air around him shift into something tense and suffocating, tugging at a feeling within him. Then he heard the crying. Impotent and weak it was.

He had glanced up and followed the sound, leaving his spot and his mother's sight as he drifted to the source and found, at the very top of the slides, two boys who looked no older than ten and a young girl around Eren's age and judging by her sweet, minty scent, she was an omega. She was crying, red face blotched with tears and snot as one of the boy's tugged on her hair harshly, a cry of pain escaping her.

"Give it to me!" The one snarled, his voice laced with dominance and superiority. Obviously, an alpha. Just hearing that tone and command set Eren bristling with an unfamiliar emotion. While he would've been confused as to why the girl wouldn't defend herself, Eren's mind was too busy dealing with something new.


That was what Eren felt as he watched the helpless child get yanked by her hair and kicks thrown her way all the while taking the abuse and trembling terribly in her spot. An abhorrent of anger charged through him and before he knew it--- he was standing in front of the hunched girl, placing himself between the alphas and the omega.

"Leave her alone!" He had shouted angrily, clenching his fists as he glared at them with sharp eyes.

Sniffing the air slightly, the first kid scrunched up his freckled nose before scowling in annoyance. "Mind your own business you little rat! Stupid omega!"

Eren wasn't fast enough to dodge the punch that hit him in the jaw, nor the kick aimed at his stomach. All he remembered was seeing red, and feeling a rush of adrenaline through his whole body as he threw his own swings. There was some shouting but he couldn't recall from who. Then there were hands grabbing at him and taking him away.

It wasn't until he was sitting at home, at his kitchen table as his mother patched him up that his mother spoke up, her vibrant gold eyes laced with hints of pain but held no signs of anger towards her child. "Eren, what happened back there?"

Pouting, Eren glanced away, wincing as a cotton ball was dabbed on his cheek. "They were hurting that girl. . "

His mother sighed heavily, "Eren---"

"And they called me a stupid omega too!" He growled, his fingers gripping so tight onto the seat of the chair and recalling those bastard's words.

"Eren," he looked up to see a gentle smile adorning his mother's beautiful face. Her raven hair fell elegantly over  her shoulder as she leaned in and booped him on the nose with her own. "While I'm proud you don't let anyone push you around, you need to understand that not all omega's can fight back. What do you think happens to omegas who cause trouble?" Her tone turned serious.

Scrunching up his nose, Eren thought for a moment. "Uhm. . ."

A hand gently brushed away the hair from his face. "They get sent to a very, very bad place which is why it's important to stay out of trouble. Omegas have to learn and obey so that they don't get hurt or sent away."

"I hate being an omega! It isn't fair!" Tears prickled his green eyes, and his lip trembled.

"I know, Eren, but don't let this cruel world define who you are. You are no omega," she brought him to her chest, hugging him and surrounding him with her motherly warmth that always seemed to calm him down. "You are my boy."

"Don't let this cruel world define who you are."

And till this day, did Eren live up to those words.

He was no omega, or beta or alpha.

He was merely Eren Yeager.

And Eren Yeager he would be.

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