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emmas pov //

i cant help but think about aaron. he made me so happy for so long. i really miss him, and how we hung all the time. he was my bestfriend, we even went on vacation together, twice! it's been 7 years since i last saw aaron. we were so close during middle school and through high school. i even liked him for the longest time, pretty sure he felt the same way too. we still keep in touch and text all the time, but i'm so nervous to see him in person again. i have a boyfriend now, but i think aaron thinks i'm single. i hope i don't ruin my relationship during these 4 months.

he's supposed to be arriving in la (where i live) in 3 hours, so i decide to get ready.
while i'm getting ready i hear my phone ding in the other room, i'm putting my hair up so i walk out in an awkward position and finish tying my hair.

texting (bold is aaron, non bold is emma)

hey i'm gonna get here an hour early

ok, i'm getting ready now so that's good lol

okayy i'm excited
see you soon ;)

aarons pov//

i cant wait to see emma, i've always had some feelings for her. especially since 8th grade when we both had our first kiss. or in 9th and 10th grade when we went on vacation together and i felt so close to her. i miss her so much. i want this flight to land right now so she can be in my arms.

my palms are sweating, an hour went by and i'm about to land. i'm so nervous, i cant wait to see her beautiful face, i hope she still has that beautiful genuine smile. i think i might fall for her again, i think i already am falling for her, mby just thinking of how perfect she is.

sorry this chapter is so short, idk what else to put into it, but i promise the next one will be pretty long.

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