Chapter 2

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         "Alright Ichigo, how do you want the season 1 sneak peak to look?" Sato-san said.
        "I think I should have the more provocative clips, to really sell it." Ichigo said. Sato-san raised an eyebrow as Naoto looked over. He knew what she was doing.
       "Wha- Ichigo are you sure? Is that how you want to be advertised?" Sato-san asked. Ichigo twirled one of box braids around her fingers carelessly.
        "It's not like I'm cute and innocent anymore." She said looking up.
        "I mean, if you want to break your old image that bad why don't we have that clip of you holding the gun in it?" Her eyes sparkled from under her heavy eye makeup.
       "That's a great idea! What if we had the dialogue from an intense argument scene as narration as the clips go back and forth from gun fights to the kiss scenes with Shinju and Kentaro. Then end it with the clip of me pointing the gun at Kentaro?" She said. Sato-san's face brightened in excitement.
        "Ichigo that's genius!"
       "Tell me about it" Naoto said sarcastically with an eyeroll.
"I think it's about time we film the scene where Ichigo points the gun, and then we're done filming this season and you wonderful actors will get 8 weeks off while we edit and and release it." Sato-san said.

       "Ichigo!" Naoto called out after me. Ichigo turned around.
       "Yes?" He ran over to her.
       "I booked a vacation in Mexico, I was going with my cousin to Rivera, but she ended up having to take care of her mother. Would you like to go with me?" He asked. Vacation packages cost 200,000yen a person.
        "I mean, you must've spent a lot for it.  Are you sure?" Ichigo asked.
         "I asked a lot of people, none were interested.  If it were you, I'd get my money's worth.  I can't get a refund because I got a discount." He said.
        "Makes sense, sure! I'll be happy to." Ichigo said with a smile.
         "Ok, sounds great.  The flight is August 3rd at 2:00pm" He said. That's a month from now.
        "Awesome!  I'll see you there!" Ichigo said before she spotted her dad.
        "Ya! I look forward to it." He said getting in his car.  Ichigo waved and ran into my her dad's car.

        "How was your last day of filming?" He asked.
        "Great! I got invited to go on vacation with a co-star!" Ichigo said.
         "Oh? To where?"
         "Rivera Mexico."
         "Cool.  What's her name?" He asked.
          "Actually, his name is Naoto.  He was on Aikatsu."  Ichigo said.  My dad sighed.
         "Going alone with him or are there other people?"
         "Alone."  Ichigo said, noticing concern in his voice.
         "Doesn't sound entirely safe, and since I don't know him I object.  However, you're 18 now so there's not much I can do.  Please stay safe." He said.
        "Of course!!"

         "Taichi! Ichigo! I cooked butter chicken."  Ringo, Ichigo's Mom said running up and hugging her. Suddenly the phone rang.
        "Hello?" Ichigo asked.
        "Ahhh, Ichigo.  I need you to show up asap at the studio for a crossover." Kumiko said. "No hello, just demanding me?!?", she thought.
        "Forget it." I said before hanging up on her.  "No way in hell I'm going back there:", Ichigo thought .  She ran her fingers through her box braids with a sigh.
        "What's wrong, Ichigo?" Her mother asked.
        "Don't worry about." Ichigo said. Before walking away.
        "Ichigo your dinner!" Her father, Taichi called out.  Her mother shook her head and put her hand out.
        Ichigo went upstairs to my room, where she removed her false lashes and makeup.  Once she was done, she stared at her reflection.  She hated it.  She took one of her box braids into her hand, and got an idea.

       Naoto stepped into his penthouse in excitement, slamming the door.  He took a breathe of the Vanilla scented air of his apartment, as the massive windows gave a view of the sunset.
       "Nao-kun! How many times should I tell you to stop slamming the door!" His sister, Tiara said walking up to him.
       "Sorry, I'm just really happy." He said sitting down on the couch.
       "Is it a girl?" She asked.
       "How did you know?" He asked.
       "I was actually trying to push your buttons, but apparently it is a girl." She answered with a giggle. "So, is it Ichigo?" She asked.
       "What?! How did you—" Naoto asked, getting cut off.
       "Oh don't be silly, you've talked about your feelings for Ichigo for years now!!" She said with a giggle.
         "I do love her, but I've never told her, nor would I, I wouldn't wanna scare her off." Naoto said.
       "So what were you happy about?" She asked.
       "You know how I got cancelled on with that Mexico trip?" I asked.
       "So you're taking Ichigo to Mexico?"
       "You guessed it."
       "Oh it was predictable you'd ask her before asking your friends." She said with a wink.  Naoto smiled as a response before taking out his phone and checking his Instagram.
        He never really got a chance with Ichigo until they were off the set of Aikatsu, but after Aikatsu ended, Ichigo distanced herself from everyone for 6 months.  He knew why.  Ichigo wasn't the cute, lively, fun loving girl she pretended to be under the cameras.  No one knew why Kumiko wanted the cast to play "ourselves" but take another persona, everyone just thought it would be fun and unique.
        Ichigo was a diva behind set, always striving to be perfect, acting better than the other girls, especially Akari.  Everyone hated her except Otome and Naoto.
        Little did they know, Ichigo was always put down, told she wasn't good enough, told that she ruined the show, and especially when Akari came in and they were filming her in season two, Ichigo was mean.  Ichigo was 12 when she came to the studio, and she came to be a star.  She wanted to prove to her school bullies that she can be a star.
         She got her wish, but being an insecure 15 year old as Akari came in, she identified as her character.  To her, being replaced would shatter her.  Like stealing her only sense of identity, so she took it out on everyone else.  Naoto knew this.  That's why Naoto didn't hate her like the rest.  Akari got the same treatment as well, however, she let out her feelings differently, she simply cried a lot, Kumiko hated all the crying and decided to cancel Aikatsu and blame both Akari and Ichigo but praise the other in one's presence.

        Now, Ichigo at 18, has started to move on from Aikatsu, however, can't get over the guilt and trauma of behind the scenes.
        In the bathroom, Ichigo stares wide eyed at her hair, no longer in the form of box braids.
        "What have I done?" She asked in shock.

Here are pictures of Naoto's penthouse

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